- 24小时 交易75
- 24小时 交易量US$22.78
代币 | 价格 $ | 年龄 | TVL | 市值 | 交易 | 成交量 | 5分钟 | 1小时 | 4小时 | 24小时 | ||
1 | US$0.00107 | 804天 5小时 36分钟 | US$364.59 | US$7.5万 | 8 | US$5.36 | 0% | 0% | -4.66% | -4.96% | ||
2 | US$540.25 | 848天 3小时 9分钟 | US$329.79 | US$7.4亿 | 4 | US$1.23 | 0% | 0% | -1.68% | -1.19% | ||
3 | US$0.001074 | 848天 2小时 12分钟 | US$159.62 | US$7.6万 | 0 | <US$1 | 0% | 0% | 0% | -4.06% |
Venera 是什么?
Venera Swap is a decentralized exchange that provides its users with the ability to trade, stake, and farm cryptocurrencies with a focus on providing lower transaction fees. The protocol allows users to participate in various DeFi activities and earn rewards while doing so. The platform aims to provide a seamless and efficient experience for its users with a focus on reducing costs and increasing accessibility.
Venera 实时数据
截至 2024年10月3日,Venera DEX 上有 11 个交易对。TVL(总锁仓价值)为 US$1,089.27,在过去 24 小时内的交易量为 US$22.78,共进行了 75 次交易。