just buy 1元 worth of this coin-SOL 配对信息
- 池化 just buy 1元 worth of this coin:
- 1.33亿
- 池化 SOL:
- US$151.8
just buy 1元 worth of this coin/SOL 在 Solana 的价格统计
截至 2024年11月27日,在 DEX Raydium 上,just buy 1元 worth of this coin 代币的当前价格为 US$0.0002392。just buy 1元 worth of this coin 价格在过去 24 小时内变化了 下跌 -24.73%。过去 24 小时的交易历史包含 18050 笔交易,总交易量为 US$2,645,668.76。just buy 1元 worth of this coin 代币合约地址为 E9TPsXXvEEjWrvsCVmEJGiV9axmc5eP2YpaS5v8tpump,市场总值为 US$239,248.40。流动性池合约地址为 A5AYfbmiQGctTMZqfGFg1sN6PwwuHdn44eUA2T7EqswZ,锁仓总价值 (TVL) 为 US$68,185.87。just buy 1元 worth of this coin/SOL 交易对在 Solana 上进行交易。
just buy 1元 worth of this coin/SOL 当前的流动性是多少?
当前 just buy 1元 worth of this coin/SOL 的流动性为 US$68,185.87,合约地址为 A5AYfbmiQGctTMZqfGFg1sN6PwwuHdn44eUA2T7EqswZ。
just buy 1元 worth of this coin/SOL 池在过去 24 小时内有多少笔交易?
just buy 1元 worth of this coin/SOL 池在过去 24 小时内总交易笔数为 18050,其中 5206 笔为买入交易,12844 笔为卖出交易。
just buy 1元 worth of this coin/SOL 池在过去 24 小时的交易量是多少?
just buy 1元 worth of this coin/SOL 池在过去 24 小时内的交易量为 US$2,645,668.76。
1 just buy 1元 worth of this coin 兑换 SOL 的汇率是多少?
1 just buy 1元 worth of this coin 兑换 SOL 的汇率为 0.000001001, 记录时间为 UTC 15:31。
1 just buy 1元 worth of this coin 兑换成美元多少钱?
今天 1 just buy 1元 worth of this coin 兑换成美元的价格为 US$0.0002392。
just buy 1元 worth of this coin-SOL 价格图表
日期 | 时间 | 价格 $ | 价格 SOL | 做市商 | 交易 | ||||
2024/11/27 | 15:31:37 | buy | US$76.49 | US$0.0002396 | 0.32 | 0.051002 | 319,264.13 | 4mPS...sgKJ | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:37 | sell | US$9.1 | US$0.0002379 | 0.03806 | 0.069953 | 38,248.28 | 3LYm...1aeR | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:36 | buy | US$206.43 | US$0.000248 | 0.8637 | 0.051037 | 832,118.43 | 3Rch...tJbT | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:36 | buy | US$119.5 | US$0.0002383 | 0.5 | 0.06997 | 501,462.67 | 56oB...47uH | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:36 | buy | US$847.49 | US$0.0002405 | 3.54 | 0.051006 | 352.29万 | 4QF6...ZPnd | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:36 | sell | US$851.42 | US$0.0002422 | 3.56 | 0.051013 | 351.48万 | 4G8Z...mYtT | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:36 | buy | US$23.68 | US$0.0002345 | 0.0991 | 0.069812 | 100,998.69 | 5Eqh...9HrL | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:31 | buy | US$46.23 | US$0.0002339 | 0.1934 | 0.069787 | 197,630.11 | Gg3B...ExNv | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:32 | buy | US$2.89 | US$0.0002342 | 0.01211 | 0.069802 | 12,356.55 | 4wTg...Ex5z | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:32 | buy | US$3.8 | US$0.0002343 | 0.01592 | 0.069804 | 16,244.29 | 4NzQ...Wcax | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:27 | sell | US$29.38 | US$0.0002377 | 0.1229 | 0.069947 | 123,590.16 | 2AcA...AK5h | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:27 | buy | US$74.49 | US$0.0002392 | 0.3116 | 0.051001 | 311,373.15 | 5L4b...rnT2 | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:26 | sell | US$22.5 | US$0.0002381 | 0.09416 | 0.069962 | 94,518.13 | 4M5i...xsar | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:26 | sell | US$80.3 | US$0.0002388 | 0.336 | 0.069992 | 336,249.74 | 3tJH...c34e | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:26 | sell | US$16.56 | US$0.0002395 | 0.0693 | 0.051002 | 69,160.49 | 4Xv1...KNyg | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:20 | buy | US$34.56 | US$0.0002387 | 0.1447 | 0.051 | 144,747.82 | 4kLu...F2XB | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:20 | buy | US$84.21 | US$0.0002396 | 0.3527 | 0.051003 | 351,434.78 | 3rp6...rQfb | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:19 | sell | US$101.65 | US$0.0002366 | 0.4258 | 0.06991 | 429,645.67 | mv9Z...S6Vy | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:11 | sell | US$154.96 | US$0.0002376 | 0.6491 | 0.069954 | 652,155.66 | 5eou...Yj62 | |
2024/11/27 | 15:31:11 | buy | US$2.38 | US$0.0002398 | 0.01 | 0.051004 | 9,951.16 | 5rjG...5n7d |