Skull of Pepe Token token
MAX DEX Price Pair TVL:$153,111.58
Total DEX TVL:
Total blockchains
Total DEX pairs
Total DEX Volume
DeFi age
286 days 14 hr 40 min
Token | Price $ | Age | TVL | MKT CAP | TXNS | Vol | 5m | 1h | 4h | 24h | ||
1 | $0.01331 | 283 days 11 hr 32 min | $153.1K | $2M | 98 | $4.6K | 0% | -1.42% | -2.03% | -8.84% |
Skull of Pepe Token (SKOP) price statistics
As of March 14, 2025, the current price of the SKOP token on DEX markets is $0.01463, with a total DEX liquidity TVL of $158,724.38. The SKOP token trades on 1 blockchains and 6 DEX (decentralized exchanges). The total DEX trading history for the last 24 hours includes 1,020 trades (TXNS) with a trading volume of $40,160.39.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the DEX daily trading volume of Skull of Pepe Token (SKOP)?
The total 24-hours trading volume on all DEX exchanges for SKOP token is $40,160.39.
What is the DEX TVL (Total Value Locked) of Skull of Pepe Token (SKOP)?
The total DEX TVL of Skull of Pepe Token (SKOP) is $153,919.85 in the last 24 hours.
What blockchain is the token SKOP launched on?
The Skull of Pepe Token SKOP token is launched on the Base.
What is the exchange rate of 1 USD to SKOP?
DEX exchange rate of 1 SKOP to USD is $0.01331 as of 5:56 AM UTC.
How much SKOP can I purchase with 1 USD?
Based on DEX current exchange rate, you can buy 75.10235453382079 SKOP for 1 USD.