Info about ADA-BUSD pair
- Pooled ADA:
- 174,157.49
- Pooled BUSD:
- $121,908.74
ADA/BUSD price stats on Velas
As of March 28, 2025, the current price of ADA token on DEX AstroSwap is $0.7013. ADA price is down -4.71% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 101 trades with trading volume of $3,799.68. ADA token contract is 0x3611Fbfb06ffBcEf9Afb210f6Ace86742e6c14a4 with a market cap $935,838.85. The liquidity pool contract is 0xc12e7E665B7d6537f87635655E70F7387Da12D90 with total value locked (TVL) of $243,817.48. The ADA/BUSD trading pair operates on Velas.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of ADA/BUSD now?
The current liquidity of ADA/BUSD with the contract address 0xc12e7E665B7d6537f87635655E70F7387Da12D90 is $243,817.48.
How many transactions are there in the ADA/BUSD pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of ADA/BUSD is 101 in the last 24 hours, 83 of which are buy transactions, and 18 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the ADA/BUSD pool in the last 24 hours?
ADA/BUSD pool has a trading volume of $3,799.68 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 ADA to BUSD?
The exchange rate of 1 ADA to BUSD is 0.7013, captured at 4:43 PM UTC.
How much is 1 ADA in dollars?
The price of converting 1 ADA to USD is $0.7013 today.
ADA-BUSD price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price BUSD | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/28/2025 | 4:39:50 PM | buy | $13.47 | $0.7013 | 13.47 | 0.7013 | 19.21 | 0x8a...35ec | |
03/28/2025 | 4:39:49 PM | buy | $0.001592 | $0.702 | 0.001592 | 0.702 | 0.002269 | 0xff...69b9 | |
03/28/2025 | 4:39:47 PM | sell | $49.06 | $0.6987 | 49.06 | 0.6987 | 70.21 | 0x2c...4497 | |
03/28/2025 | 4:39:48 PM | buy | $0.008419 | $0.7019 | 0.008419 | 0.7019 | 0.01199 | 0x29...4434 | |
03/28/2025 | 12:53:00 PM | buy | $0.669 | $0.7018 | 0.669 | 0.7018 | 0.9533 | 0x92...faf3 | |
03/28/2025 | 12:52:33 PM | buy | $1.13 | $0.7017 | 1.13 | 0.7017 | 1.61 | 0xaa...c74c | |
03/28/2025 | 10:01:52 AM | buy | $0.003746 | $0.7018 | 0.003746 | 0.7018 | 0.005338 | 0x30...9f37 | |
03/28/2025 | 10:01:25 AM | buy | $0.004241 | $0.7017 | 0.004241 | 0.7017 | 0.006044 | 0xba...fc4e | |
03/28/2025 | 10:01:05 AM | buy | $0.001367 | $0.7025 | 0.001367 | 0.7025 | 0.001947 | 0xac...8e5c | |
03/28/2025 | 10:01:01 AM | buy | $0.01877 | $0.7018 | 0.01877 | 0.7018 | 0.02674 | 0xa9...c769 | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:48 AM | buy | $0.001679 | $0.7027 | 0.001679 | 0.7027 | 0.00239 | 0x68...93b5 | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:58 AM | buy | $0.03007 | $0.7017 | 0.03007 | 0.7017 | 0.04285 | 0xc1...667f | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:48 AM | buy | $0.4018 | $0.7017 | 0.4018 | 0.7017 | 0.5725 | 0x4a...3a2c | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:35 AM | buy | $0.04168 | $0.7017 | 0.04168 | 0.7017 | 0.05939 | 0x49...e35d | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:47 AM | buy | $0.02038 | $0.7024 | 0.02038 | 0.7024 | 0.02902 | 0x56...96d6 | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:47 AM | buy | $0.002341 | $0.7026 | 0.002341 | 0.7026 | 0.003333 | 0xb3...29e3 | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:46 AM | buy | $0.002357 | $0.7019 | 0.002357 | 0.7019 | 0.003358 | 0x4e...0975 | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:33 AM | buy | $0.004523 | $0.7025 | 0.004523 | 0.7025 | 0.006438 | 0xb1...0de5 | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:32 AM | buy | $0.6563 | $0.7017 | 0.6563 | 0.7017 | 0.9352 | 0xc3...8fa3 | |
03/28/2025 | 10:00:12 AM | buy | $0.5855 | $0.7021 | 0.5855 | 0.7021 | 0.834 | 0xf0...d0a9 |