Info about cbBTC-WETH pair
- Pooled cbBTC:
- 1.26
- Pooled WETH:
- $69.22
cbBTC/WETH price stats on Base
As of February 22, 2025, the current price of cbBTC token on DEX PancakeSwap V3 is $96,535.2. cbBTC price is up 0.42% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 3685 trades with trading volume of $1,001,154.44. cbBTC token contract is 0xcbB7C0000aB88B473b1f5aFd9ef808440eed33Bf with a market cap $750,674,691.21. The liquidity pool contract is 0xC211e1f853A898Bd1302385CCdE55f33a8C4B3f3 with total value locked (TVL) of $311,340.26. The cbBTC/WETH trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of cbBTC/WETH now?
The current liquidity of cbBTC/WETH with the contract address 0xC211e1f853A898Bd1302385CCdE55f33a8C4B3f3 is $311,340.26.
How many transactions are there in the cbBTC/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of cbBTC/WETH is 3685 in the last 24 hours, 1723 of which are buy transactions, and 1962 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the cbBTC/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
cbBTC/WETH pool has a trading volume of $1,001,154.44 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 cbBTC to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 cbBTC to WETH is 35.26, captured at 10:42 AM UTC.
How much is 1 cbBTC in dollars?
The price of converting 1 cbBTC to USD is $96,535.2 today.
cbBTC-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/22/2025 | 10:41:43 AM | buy | $21.89 | $96,535.2 | 0.008 | 35.26 | 0.0002268 | 0x09...d339 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:31 AM | sell | $204.53 | $96,517.47 | 0.07472 | 35.26 | 0.002119 | 0x11...ffe3 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:31 AM | buy | $14.9 | $96,524.52 | 0.005445 | 35.26 | 0.0001544 | 0xbb...0363 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:27 AM | sell | $10.74 | $96,508.43 | 0.003926 | 35.26 | 0.0001113 | 0xcb...3d5a | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:25 AM | sell | $12.77 | $96,511.83 | 0.004667 | 35.26 | 0.0001323 | 0x53...2aba | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:23 AM | sell | $613.52 | $96,534.01 | 0.2241 | 35.27 | 0.006355 | 0xbe...66f1 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:09 AM | buy | $46.46 | $96,435.38 | 0.017 | 35.28 | 0.0004817 | 0x91...41b9 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:03 AM | sell | $197.36 | $96,408.73 | 0.07221 | 35.27 | 0.002047 | 0x55...0b94 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:05 AM | buy | $157.34 | $96,426.59 | 0.05757 | 35.28 | 0.001631 | 0x55...9119 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:03 AM | sell | $20.67 | $96,399.47 | 0.007565 | 35.27 | 0.0002144 | 0xa8...64ea | |
02/22/2025 | 10:41:01 AM | buy | $609.76 | $96,417.66 | 0.2231 | 35.27 | 0.006324 | 0xf2...3c15 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:40:59 AM | sell | $632.26 | $96,398.56 | 0.2313 | 35.27 | 0.006558 | 0x15...680d | |
02/22/2025 | 10:40:53 AM | buy | $247.89 | $96,429.03 | 0.0907 | 35.28 | 0.00257 | 0xed...5461 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:40:41 AM | buy | $244.24 | $96,415.36 | 0.08936 | 35.27 | 0.002533 | 0x71...62e6 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:40:41 AM | buy | $810.29 | $96,385.84 | 0.2964 | 35.26 | 0.008406 | 0xdb...2df7 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:40:39 AM | sell | $1,396.47 | $96,382.67 | 0.5109 | 35.26 | 0.01448 | 0x2e...1ed5 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:40:25 AM | sell | $284.46 | $96,429.19 | 0.104 | 35.28 | 0.002949 | 0x4e...6a7c | |
02/22/2025 | 10:40:17 AM | sell | $205.5 | $96,442.61 | 0.07519 | 35.28 | 0.00213 | 0xbb...4916 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:39:55 AM | buy | $149.18 | $96,464.26 | 0.05458 | 35.29 | 0.001546 | 0xae...39bc | |
02/22/2025 | 10:39:23 AM | buy | $404.38 | $96,481.12 | 0.1479 | 35.28 | 0.004191 | 0x01...fb16 |