代幣 | 價格 $ | 年齡 | TVL | 市值 | 交易數 | 交易量 | 5 分鐘 | 1 小時 | 4 小時 | 24 小時 | ||
1 | US$2,732.28 | 1,089 天 12 小時 18 分鐘 | US$3.5萬 | US$566.6萬 | 0 | <US$1 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
什麼是 Interest Compounding ETH Index (ICETH)?
The Interest Compounding ETH Index token, commonly referred to as ICETH, represents an innovative approach to yield generation in the Ethereum ecosystem. This token is designed to amplify the staking rewards associated with Ethereum by utilizing a combination of advanced financial mechanisms. At its core, ICETH allows investors to gain enhanced exposure to the staking yields generated from Ethereum through a structured and automated process. ICETH operates by leveraging staked ETH, specifically through the Lido protocol, which facilitates liquid staking. This means that when users stake their ETH, they receive stETH in return, which represents their staked assets while still allowing them to participate in the DeFi ecosystem.
Interest Compounding ETH Index (ICETH) 價格統計
截至 2025年3月14日,ICETH 代幣在 DEX 市場上的當前價格為 US$2,732.28,總 DEX 流動性 TVL 為 US$25,604.03。ICETH 代幣在 1 條區塊鏈上交易,並且在 2 個去中心化交易所(DEX)上交易。過去 24 小時內的總 DEX 交易歷史包括 2 筆交易(TXNS),交易量為 US$548.84。
Interest Compounding ETH Index (ICETH) 的 DEX 每日交易量是多少?
ICETH 代幣在所有 DEX 交易所的 24 小時總交易量為 US$548.84。
Interest Compounding ETH Index (ICETH) 的 DEX TVL(總鎖倉價值)是多少?
Interest Compounding ETH Index (ICETH) 的 DEX TVL 在過去 24 小時為 US$35,399.87。
ICETH 代幣是在哪條區塊鏈上發行的?
Interest Compounding ETH Index ICETH 代幣是發行在 Ethereum 上。
1 USD 對 ICETH 的匯率是多少?
截至 上午5:27 [UTC],1 ICETH 兌換 USD 的 DEX 匯率為 US$2,732.28。
我可以用 1 USD 購買多少 ICETH?
根據 DEX 當前匯率,你可以用 1 USD 購買 0.0003659939993028022 ICETH。