Info about ETH-WVLX pair
- Pooled ETH:
- 16.62
- Pooled WVLX:
- $6.73M
ETH/WVLX price stats on Velas
As of March 2, 2025, the current price of ETH token on DEX Wagyu Swap is $2,147.85. ETH price is down -0.05% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 22 trades with trading volume of $63.76. ETH token contract is 0x85219708c49aa701871Ad330A94EA0f41dFf24Ca with a market cap $203,341.59. The liquidity pool contract is 0x7c3F1eA99770aa23Fe1b19097c93BB0cF34C8351 with total value locked (TVL) of $71,550.00. The ETH/WVLX trading pair operates on Velas.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of ETH/WVLX now?
The current liquidity of ETH/WVLX with the contract address 0x7c3F1eA99770aa23Fe1b19097c93BB0cF34C8351 is $71,550.00.
How many transactions are there in the ETH/WVLX pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of ETH/WVLX is 22 in the last 24 hours, 11 of which are buy transactions, and 11 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the ETH/WVLX pool in the last 24 hours?
ETH/WVLX pool has a trading volume of $63.76 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 ETH to WVLX?
The exchange rate of 1 ETH to WVLX is 404,062.32, captured at 9:06 AM UTC.
How much is 1 ETH in dollars?
The price of converting 1 ETH to USD is $2,147.85 today.
ETH-WVLX price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WVLX | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/02/2025 | 9:00:49 AM | sell | $0.6189 | $2,147.85 | 116.43 | 404,062.32 | 0.0002881 | 0xeb...8c63 | |
03/02/2025 | 9:00:44 AM | sell | $2.67 | $2,148.05 | 502.85 | 404,099.56 | 0.001244 | 0x42...14de | |
03/02/2025 | 9:00:43 AM | sell | $0.8036 | $2,146.68 | 151.14 | 403,733.91 | 0.0003743 | 0xe5...c924 | |
03/02/2025 | 9:00:35 AM | buy | $0.02275 | $2,157.5 | 4.27 | 405,769.13 | 0.00001054 | 0xf8...e5c6 | |
03/02/2025 | 9:00:35 AM | sell | $1.32 | $2,148.96 | 248.9 | 404,162.4 | 0.0006158 | 0x75...07a6 | |
03/02/2025 | 9:00:24 AM | sell | $1.07 | $2,149.1 | 202.47 | 404,189.52 | 0.0005009 | 0xe4...2fe7 | |
03/02/2025 | 9:00:19 AM | sell | $1.24 | $2,147.09 | 233.41 | 403,810.71 | 0.000578 | 0x9d...ae43 | |
03/02/2025 | 5:00:31 AM | sell | $0.1582 | $2,145.68 | 29.81 | 404,231.55 | 0.00007374 | 0xfc...41db | |
03/01/2025 | 7:34:04 PM | buy | $0.009062 | $2,163.61 | 1.7 | 405,855.03 | 0.054188 | 0xa5...a67c | |
03/01/2025 | 7:34:03 PM | buy | $0.00493 | $2,163.61 | 0.9249 | 405,854.88 | 0.052278 | 0x1e...46c0 | |
03/01/2025 | 7:33:47 PM | sell | $0.006297 | $2,154.99 | 1.18 | 404,233.1 | 0.052922 | 0x2c...d454 | |
03/01/2025 | 7:33:36 PM | buy | $0.08903 | $2,163.68 | 16.7 | 405,853.96 | 0.00004114 | 0x1d...3128 | |
03/01/2025 | 7:33:33 PM | buy | $0.01494 | $2,163.68 | 2.8 | 405,852.78 | 0.056909 | 0xba...5946 | |
03/01/2025 | 5:12:19 PM | buy | $0.006983 | $2,148.55 | 1.31 | 405,852.53 | 0.05325 | 0xbb...f867 | |
03/01/2025 | 5:11:51 PM | buy | $0.02343 | $2,148.55 | 4.42 | 405,852.19 | 0.0000109 | 0x56...33bd | |
03/01/2025 | 5:11:15 PM | buy | $0.06931 | $2,156.63 | 13.05 | 406,258.21 | 0.00003214 | 0x7f...d70f | |
03/01/2025 | 5:10:56 PM | buy | $0.02051 | $2,156.69 | 3.86 | 406,257.19 | 0.05951 | 0x2c...80e0 | |
03/01/2025 | 5:10:47 PM | buy | $0.03317 | $2,154.53 | 6.24 | 405,849.51 | 0.00001539 | 0x80...b0ad | |
03/01/2025 | 1:52:37 PM | buy | $0.00973 | $2,151.22 | 1.83 | 405,849.02 | 0.054523 | 0x90...ece5 | |
03/01/2025 | 1:52:16 PM | sell | $50.15 | $2,145.64 | 9,462.29 | 404,796.48 | 0.02337 | 0x82...06e1 |