Info about tired-SOL pair
- Pooled tired:
- 331.59M
- Pooled SOL:
- $94.14
tired/SOL price stats on Solana
As of March 13, 2025, the current price of tired token on DEX Raydium is $0.00003458. tired price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 0 trades with trading volume of $0.00. tired token contract is 4WzLp3sV5uReVvxatfYmxoJWH7fY65QZBbcSAF76pump with a market cap $33,246.47. The liquidity pool contract is Ci3Vxjchcs1sWW6eD5Q1QUwZnXoZC6jdVKYiHEbvTXEr with total value locked (TVL) of $22,971.86. The tired/SOL trading pair operates on Solana.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of tired/SOL now?
The current liquidity of tired/SOL with the contract address Ci3Vxjchcs1sWW6eD5Q1QUwZnXoZC6jdVKYiHEbvTXEr is $22,971.86.
How many transactions are there in the tired/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of tired/SOL is 0 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 0 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the tired/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
tired/SOL pool has a trading volume of $0.00 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 tired to SOL?
The exchange rate of 1 tired to SOL is 0.000000283, captured at 8:32 PM UTC.
How much is 1 tired in dollars?
The price of converting 1 tired to USD is $0.00003458 today.
tired-SOL price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price SOL | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/12/2025 | 4:55:01 AM | sell | $5.21 | $0.00003458 | 0.04265 | 0.06283 | 150,666.66 | BYCa...fqh1 | |
03/12/2025 | 1:03:22 AM | buy | $2.42 | $0.00003561 | 0.01938 | 0.062845 | 68,108.94 | 3rKX...Upx6 | |
03/11/2025 | 8:19:29 PM | buy | $0.2472 | $0.00003613 | 0.001946 | 0.062845 | 6,841.02 | 51HC...oMxG | |
03/11/2025 | 6:43:57 AM | sell | $4.92 | $0.00003492 | 0.03993 | 0.062832 | 141,000 | 4gKZ...aAQy | |
03/11/2025 | 1:20:26 AM | sell | $34.13 | $0.00003277 | 0.296 | 0.062842 | 1.04M | 3gup...bWdj | |
03/10/2025 | 11:51:27 PM | sell | $2.42 | $0.00003395 | 0.02033 | 0.062851 | 71,305.49 | 4uWQ...CPuA | |
03/10/2025 | 8:41:53 PM | buy | $58.54 | $0.00003367 | 0.4957 | 0.062851 | 1.74M | 4Ut7...SiCB | |
03/10/2025 | 7:17:30 PM | sell | $39.71 | $0.0000334 | 0.3367 | 0.062832 | 1.19M | 2R5K...mfkc | |
03/10/2025 | 7:16:33 PM | sell | $39.81 | $0.00003373 | 0.3366 | 0.062853 | 1.18M | 2za3...3Evt | |
03/10/2025 | 7:15:59 PM | sell | $118.85 | $0.00003406 | 1 | 0.062893 | 3.49M | 3L4M...rZCb | |
03/10/2025 | 3:33:59 PM | sell | $0.004121 | $0.00003613 | 0.00003335 | 0.062924 | 114.04 | qoi4...gpiT | |
03/10/2025 | 3:30:19 PM | sell | $6.17 | $0.00003601 | 0.05029 | 0.062932 | 171,512.4 | 5gsH...R3hP | |
03/10/2025 | 3:30:19 PM | sell | $6.13 | $0.00003593 | 0.04997 | 0.062926 | 170,795.47 | Ruy1...mbDN | |
03/10/2025 | 3:30:19 PM | sell | $6.19 | $0.00003596 | 0.05045 | 0.062929 | 172,233.86 | 5xdJ...Ej1u | |
03/10/2025 | 3:29:20 PM | sell | $6.2 | $0.00003604 | 0.05055 | 0.062935 | 172,233.86 | vW2o...xFR2 | |
03/10/2025 | 3:29:20 PM | sell | $6.18 | $0.00003608 | 0.05039 | 0.062938 | 171,512.4 | H5jS...7dto | |
03/10/2025 | 3:29:19 PM | sell | $6.16 | $0.00003611 | 0.05024 | 0.062941 | 170,795.47 | 4vNG...wX3G | |
03/10/2025 | 3:28:20 PM | sell | $6.18 | $0.0000362 | 0.05034 | 0.062947 | 170,795.47 | 3k1q...YX41 | |
03/10/2025 | 3:28:20 PM | sell | $6.22 | $0.00003616 | 0.05071 | 0.062944 | 172,233.86 | 5Pzc...Ykzi | |
03/10/2025 | 3:28:19 PM | sell | $6.21 | $0.00003624 | 0.05061 | 0.06295 | 171,512.4 | 4HFk...DUTt |