Info about SHREK-SOL pair
- Pooled SHREK:
- 770.19M
- Pooled SOL:
- $65.12
SHREK/SOL price stats on Solana
As of March 4, 2025, the current price of SHREK token on DEX Raydium is $0.00001149. SHREK price is down -24.74% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 39 trades with trading volume of $1,104.72. SHREK token contract is 53pKGZ9JAvkpMEmfdhm3epX9bVRjLJaBGjSgHAWipump with a market cap $11,489.49. The liquidity pool contract is FkqQHqkqAxuHDmjknUQtuXL6652N5HkudajKLqZfFK9E with total value locked (TVL) of $17,734.43. The SHREK/SOL trading pair operates on Solana.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of SHREK/SOL now?
The current liquidity of SHREK/SOL with the contract address FkqQHqkqAxuHDmjknUQtuXL6652N5HkudajKLqZfFK9E is $17,734.43.
How many transactions are there in the SHREK/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of SHREK/SOL is 39 in the last 24 hours, 27 of which are buy transactions, and 12 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the SHREK/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
SHREK/SOL pool has a trading volume of $1,104.72 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 SHREK to SOL?
The exchange rate of 1 SHREK to SOL is 0.00000008433, captured at 8:25 AM UTC.
How much is 1 SHREK in dollars?
The price of converting 1 SHREK to USD is $0.00001149 today.
SHREK-SOL price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price SOL | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/04/2025 | 3:59:43 AM | sell | $0.01961 | $0.00001149 | 0.0001438 | 0.078433 | 1,705.88 | DX1f...Zi2z | |
03/04/2025 | 2:16:29 AM | sell | $3.77 | $0.00001134 | 0.02806 | 0.078437 | 332,572.46 | 5EjA...FoeS | |
03/04/2025 | 12:48:45 AM | buy | $0.1429 | $0.00001212 | 0.001 | 0.078483 | 11,787.4 | e7tP...cMAM | |
03/04/2025 | 12:18:57 AM | sell | $0.1822 | $0.00001215 | 0.001266 | 0.078441 | 15,000.47 | k9Cq...PkgZ | |
03/03/2025 | 9:51:46 PM | sell | $1.5 | $0.00001195 | 0.01068 | 0.078483 | 125,940.89 | xCTh...11st | |
03/03/2025 | 8:56:42 PM | sell | $8.35 | $0.00001229 | 0.05767 | 0.078492 | 679,101.33 | 5RcC...WpzT | |
03/03/2025 | 8:16:58 PM | sell | $0.02304 | $0.00001217 | 0.0001609 | 0.0785 | 1,892.97 | 2Wim...ud37 | |
03/03/2025 | 8:13:05 PM | sell | $7.03 | $0.00001214 | 0.04925 | 0.078506 | 578,995.6 | 28DG...5Lu8 | |
03/03/2025 | 8:08:56 PM | buy | $7.06 | $0.00001219 | 0.0495 | 0.078549 | 578,995.6 | 2guc...kJM5 | |
03/03/2025 | 7:03:39 PM | sell | $2.39 | $0.00001274 | 0.016 | 0.078513 | 188,056.93 | 4JRh...vieQ | |
03/03/2025 | 6:16:58 PM | sell | $1.11 | $0.00001323 | 0.007194 | 0.078516 | 84,483.78 | 6Jrh...anZA | |
03/03/2025 | 5:47:04 PM | sell | $2.7 | $0.00001353 | 0.01701 | 0.078519 | 199,747.57 | 2auN...ztR9 | |
03/03/2025 | 5:23:52 PM | sell | $0.1228 | $0.00001346 | 0.0007775 | 0.078521 | 9,124.3 | 42SD...5RVz | |
03/03/2025 | 5:18:18 PM | sell | $52.63 | $0.00001352 | 0.3334 | 0.078565 | 3.89M | 4X6C...uWEB | |
03/03/2025 | 5:11:33 PM | sell | $1.59 | $0.00001395 | 0.01015 | 0.078881 | 114,335.67 | 5kmx...QM5s | |
03/03/2025 | 4:49:11 PM | sell | $0.4836 | $0.00001405 | 0.003057 | 0.078883 | 34,419.57 | 3eHg...hLWZ | |
03/03/2025 | 3:31:55 PM | sell | $0.02317 | $0.00001409 | 0.0001461 | 0.078889 | 1,644.41 | 3svy...ijZK | |
03/03/2025 | 2:58:12 PM | buy | $7.02 | $0.00001404 | 0.04464 | 0.078929 | 500,000 | r72a...pVD4 | |
03/03/2025 | 2:02:32 PM | sell | $53.19 | $0.00001469 | 0.323 | 0.078922 | 3.62M | 5FnG...L214 | |
03/03/2025 | 2:02:28 PM | sell | $429.03 | $0.00001535 | 2.6 | 0.079314 | 27.94M | 2SPB...a8To |