Info about ARG-SOL pair
- Pooled ARG:
- 180.66M
- Pooled SOL:
- $201.5
ARG/SOL price stats on Solana
As of February 15, 2025, the current price of ARG token on DEX Raydium is $0.0002143. ARG price is up 73.52% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 13592 trades with trading volume of $2,220,354.22. ARG token contract is 9XRpjZjhJPeWtUymiEWn3FW7uAnMeQca14ucTWWWyP2g with a market cap $188,954.79. The liquidity pool contract is B2ep7XZMchTsnTFdhXoiBMK5vNujMv528DuLheW2h91U with total value locked (TVL) of $78,557.40. The ARG/SOL trading pair operates on Solana.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of ARG/SOL now?
The current liquidity of ARG/SOL with the contract address B2ep7XZMchTsnTFdhXoiBMK5vNujMv528DuLheW2h91U is $78,557.40.
How many transactions are there in the ARG/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of ARG/SOL is 13592 in the last 24 hours, 6301 of which are buy transactions, and 7291 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the ARG/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
ARG/SOL pool has a trading volume of $2,220,354.22 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 ARG to SOL?
The exchange rate of 1 ARG to SOL is 0.000001084, captured at 12:25 AM UTC.
How much is 1 ARG in dollars?
The price of converting 1 ARG to USD is $0.0002143 today.
ARG-SOL price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price SOL | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/15/2025 | 12:25:01 AM | buy | $34.37 | $0.0002156 | 0.1738 | 0.05109 | 159,398.3 | pBiL...68xP | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:54 AM | sell | $6.97 | $0.0002143 | 0.03529 | 0.051084 | 32,544.54 | 5Zpa...6TB7 | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:53 AM | sell | $67.33 | $0.0002147 | 0.3405 | 0.051086 | 313,493.57 | JEgp...Kj4b | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:50 AM | buy | $68.9 | $0.0002158 | 0.3485 | 0.051091 | 319,231.31 | 4TZt...CwCX | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:46 AM | sell | $3.77 | $0.0002144 | 0.01906 | 0.051084 | 17,580.26 | 51AV...cSwv | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:45 AM | buy | $1.96 | $0.0002155 | 0.009915 | 0.05109 | 9,095.53 | 4FJD...5Lfz | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:28 AM | buy | $64.51 | $0.0002143 | 0.3263 | 0.051084 | 300,979.73 | Asja...D46i | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:29 AM | buy | $74.06 | $0.0002151 | 0.3745 | 0.051087 | 344,286.45 | 56FP...6TEB | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:24 AM | buy | $40.38 | $0.0002138 | 0.2041 | 0.051081 | 188,833.35 | 5o9i...noYf | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:24 AM | buy | $2.91 | $0.0002136 | 0.01472 | 0.05108 | 13,632.92 | 4HSQ...vBpG | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:19 AM | sell | $484.84 | $0.0002151 | 2.45 | 0.051087 | 2.25M | 5R5T...koUa | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:17 AM | buy | $1.98 | $0.0002189 | 0.01001 | 0.051106 | 9,052.26 | 4sDf...buwH | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:08 AM | sell | $10.77 | $0.0002178 | 0.05447 | 0.051101 | 49,447.7 | 5jR8...ohkY | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:05 AM | sell | $4.71 | $0.0002179 | 0.02383 | 0.051102 | 21,629.42 | 5XLa...eumx | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:04 AM | sell | $428.51 | $0.0002203 | 2.16 | 0.051114 | 1.94M | yBQj...Zhp4 | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:00 AM | sell | $323.75 | $0.0002249 | 1.63 | 0.051137 | 1.44M | 3yf6...Roe9 | |
02/15/2025 | 12:24:01 AM | sell | $38.76 | $0.0002229 | 0.1959 | 0.051127 | 173,841.07 | 2M8J...dfZL | |
02/15/2025 | 12:23:51 AM | buy | $0.9416 | $0.0002279 | 0.00476 | 0.051152 | 4,131.46 | qyf1...qXJf | |
02/15/2025 | 12:23:48 AM | sell | $70.64 | $0.0002273 | 0.3569 | 0.051148 | 310,747.85 | 2wPJ...D72y | |
02/15/2025 | 12:23:45 AM | buy | $19.79 | $0.0002287 | 0.1 | 0.051155 | 86,522.12 | 5LzU...qiZm |