Info about Baby Pepe-SOL pair
- Pooled Baby Pepe:
- 71M
- Pooled SOL:
- $232.51
Baby Pepe/SOL price stats on Solana
As of March 14, 2025, the current price of Baby Pepe token on DEX Raydium is $0.0004347. Baby Pepe price is up 16.05% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 55 trades with trading volume of $6,159.44. Baby Pepe token contract is 2tXocViiSpEmmdmdgiACnwkfrooDwxezDUg9SwSspump with a market cap $434,760.61. The liquidity pool contract is D1YpNRe5NXJtCGGGfHKS42pkPdXttD5qRiseKPexmTbR with total value locked (TVL) of $61,820.48. The Baby Pepe/SOL trading pair operates on Solana.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of Baby Pepe/SOL now?
The current liquidity of Baby Pepe/SOL with the contract address D1YpNRe5NXJtCGGGfHKS42pkPdXttD5qRiseKPexmTbR is $61,820.48.
How many transactions are there in the Baby Pepe/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of Baby Pepe/SOL is 55 in the last 24 hours, 32 of which are buy transactions, and 23 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the Baby Pepe/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
Baby Pepe/SOL pool has a trading volume of $6,159.44 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 Baby Pepe to SOL?
The exchange rate of 1 Baby Pepe to SOL is 0.000003265, captured at 5:29 PM UTC.
How much is 1 Baby Pepe in dollars?
The price of converting 1 Baby Pepe to USD is $0.0004347 today.
Baby Pepe-SOL price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price SOL | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/14/2025 | 4:57:34 PM | sell | $9.78 | $0.0004347 | 0.07347 | 0.053265 | 22,500 | 2BTq...dsDb | |
03/14/2025 | 4:43:26 PM | buy | $21.31 | $0.0004358 | 0.1604 | 0.05328 | 48,889.19 | 4v8C...ZTYv | |
03/14/2025 | 4:18:30 PM | buy | $42.96 | $0.000434 | 0.3241 | 0.053274 | 98,991.58 | 4cUU...LVt1 | |
03/14/2025 | 3:56:37 PM | buy | $13.21 | $0.0004318 | 0.1 | 0.053268 | 30,598.53 | 2oTh...96Ex | |
03/14/2025 | 3:41:03 PM | sell | $37.86 | $0.0004324 | 0.2849 | 0.053254 | 87,546 | 3Qhh...dpuy | |
03/14/2025 | 3:38:40 PM | buy | $725.81 | $0.0004252 | 5.45 | 0.053197 | 1.71M | 2Nkh...M7Yc | |
03/14/2025 | 3:35:54 PM | sell | $424.49 | $0.0004204 | 3.18 | 0.05315 | 1.01M | 5MUc...5Sz5 | |
03/14/2025 | 3:33:28 PM | sell | $22.33 | $0.0004255 | 0.1678 | 0.053197 | 52,487 | 44up...z6i1 | |
03/14/2025 | 3:28:11 PM | buy | $3.95 | $0.0004273 | 0.02974 | 0.053215 | 9,250.63 | H9wH...bJKF | |
03/14/2025 | 3:28:00 PM | buy | $10.55 | $0.0004275 | 0.07932 | 0.053213 | 24,680.05 | WGUa...ig75 | |
03/14/2025 | 3:27:48 PM | buy | $1.31 | $0.0004274 | 0.009915 | 0.053212 | 3,086.2 | 4mLP...XtHt | |
03/14/2025 | 3:18:42 PM | sell | $37.48 | $0.0004257 | 0.2817 | 0.0532 | 88,041 | UTC5...iQbR | |
03/14/2025 | 3:18:12 PM | sell | $18.22 | $0.0004263 | 0.137 | 0.053206 | 42,735 | 2i2z...XpiU | |
03/14/2025 | 3:15:02 PM | sell | $109.51 | $0.0004247 | 0.8301 | 0.053219 | 257,845 | 5yTy...8i54 | |
03/14/2025 | 3:14:35 PM | sell | $37.38 | $0.000427 | 0.2832 | 0.053235 | 87,542 | 2Uvb...wzrk | |
03/14/2025 | 3:13:53 PM | buy | $248.81 | $0.0004265 | 1.88 | 0.053229 | 583,326.95 | 5dWc...qC9n | |
03/14/2025 | 3:13:25 PM | sell | $43.63 | $0.0004217 | 0.3301 | 0.053191 | 103,457 | 3c6c...yxQs | |
03/14/2025 | 3:11:29 PM | sell | $9.61 | $0.0004223 | 0.07275 | 0.053197 | 22,755.78 | 2hPt...LsoU | |
03/14/2025 | 3:10:06 PM | buy | $736.38 | $0.0004145 | 5.57 | 0.053136 | 1.78M | bKwR...GNbo | |
03/14/2025 | 2:58:10 PM | buy | $21.9 | $0.0003985 | 0.168 | 0.053058 | 54,966.51 | 5Bav...4gtr |