Info about ARENA-SOL pair
- Pooled ARENA:
- 481.74M
- Pooled SOL:
- $78.81
ARENA/SOL price stats on Solana
As of March 2, 2025, the current price of ARENA token on DEX Raydium is $0.00002329. ARENA price is up 20.92% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 432 trades with trading volume of $28,246.64. ARENA token contract is 82LsbymgEBjY48gUqHVth6B1U2eu5XhhHoLF6qLqLEeX with a market cap $21,255.79. The liquidity pool contract is F78cQSSnW142hvLi57mmeWtbfD1f4kYEGXnLUg1Anfin with total value locked (TVL) of $22,493.91. The ARENA/SOL trading pair operates on Solana.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of ARENA/SOL now?
The current liquidity of ARENA/SOL with the contract address F78cQSSnW142hvLi57mmeWtbfD1f4kYEGXnLUg1Anfin is $22,493.91.
How many transactions are there in the ARENA/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of ARENA/SOL is 432 in the last 24 hours, 225 of which are buy transactions, and 207 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the ARENA/SOL pool in the last 24 hours?
ARENA/SOL pool has a trading volume of $28,246.64 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 ARENA to SOL?
The exchange rate of 1 ARENA to SOL is 0.0000001628, captured at 9:00 AM UTC.
How much is 1 ARENA in dollars?
The price of converting 1 ARENA to USD is $0.00002329 today.
ARENA-SOL price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price SOL | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/02/2025 | 8:56:21 AM | sell | $26.07 | $0.00002329 | 0.1823 | 0.061628 | 1.12M | 4hX6...JQko | |
03/02/2025 | 8:44:00 AM | sell | $0.3546 | $0.00002329 | 0.002484 | 0.061632 | 15,222.94 | cPq6...JH1U | |
03/02/2025 | 8:43:52 AM | sell | $0.3546 | $0.00002329 | 0.002484 | 0.061632 | 15,222.94 | uqcP...TWhj | |
03/02/2025 | 8:43:45 AM | sell | $0.7093 | $0.0000233 | 0.004969 | 0.061632 | 30,445.88 | 4YeF...BUSc | |
03/02/2025 | 8:43:39 AM | sell | $1.41 | $0.0000233 | 0.009941 | 0.061632 | 60,891.76 | 2kaH...qbY8 | |
03/02/2025 | 8:43:30 AM | buy | $2.85 | $0.00002341 | 0.01998 | 0.06164 | 121,783.53 | 3nrb...Ly1P | |
03/02/2025 | 8:43:10 AM | sell | $48.95 | $0.0000234 | 0.3428 | 0.061639 | 2.09M | 4USU...6A3q | |
03/02/2025 | 8:43:07 AM | sell | $48.94 | $0.0000236 | 0.3428 | 0.061653 | 2.07M | 2eFm...ZytZ | |
03/02/2025 | 8:43:04 AM | sell | $107.95 | $0.00002393 | 0.7559 | 0.061676 | 4.51M | 4ZVJ...BgpA | |
03/02/2025 | 8:42:50 AM | sell | $151.39 | $0.00002448 | 1.06 | 0.061714 | 6.18M | 55kj...zEUn | |
03/02/2025 | 8:41:58 AM | buy | $28.26 | $0.00002495 | 0.1979 | 0.061747 | 1.13M | 2WnC...dodv | |
03/02/2025 | 8:41:16 AM | buy | $28.57 | $0.00002483 | 0.2 | 0.061738 | 1.15M | iqv4...9zAA | |
03/02/2025 | 8:40:12 AM | buy | $1.42 | $0.00002479 | 0.01 | 0.061733 | 57,670.36 | 2zEe...WfnP | |
03/02/2025 | 8:38:43 AM | buy | $110.71 | $0.00002454 | 0.7743 | 0.061717 | 4.51M | 5AS9...uYHZ | |
03/02/2025 | 8:30:19 AM | buy | $49.98 | $0.0000241 | 0.35 | 0.061687 | 2.07M | 5zJa...TWDd | |
03/02/2025 | 8:30:19 AM | buy | $49.98 | $0.00002389 | 0.35 | 0.061673 | 2.09M | 26UC...EMKj | |
03/02/2025 | 8:28:07 AM | buy | $23.78 | $0.00002377 | 0.1663 | 0.061662 | 1M | 4jQM...jDC2 | |
03/02/2025 | 8:08:48 AM | sell | $4.87 | $0.0000236 | 0.0341 | 0.061651 | 206,541.27 | 4MLr...1UDm | |
03/02/2025 | 8:02:44 AM | buy | $4.95 | $0.0000238 | 0.03457 | 0.061659 | 208,311.92 | 3jdA...NQTS | |
03/02/2025 | 7:57:49 AM | buy | $119.28 | $0.00002359 | 0.8298 | 0.061641 | 5.06M | 43c9...pRkY |