Info about WRON-USDC pair
- Pooled WRON:
- 6.86M
- Pooled USDC:
- $5.04M
WRON/USDC price stats on Ronin
As of March 28, 2025, the current price of WRON token on DEX Katana is $0.7363. WRON price is down -5.58% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 7947 trades with trading volume of $612,972.10. WRON token contract is 0xe514d9DEB7966c8BE0ca922de8a064264eA6bcd4 with a market cap $0.00. The liquidity pool contract is 0x4f7687aFFc10857fccD0938ECda0947DE7aD3812 with total value locked (TVL) of $10,071,263.40. The WRON/USDC trading pair operates on Ronin.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of WRON/USDC now?
The current liquidity of WRON/USDC with the contract address 0x4f7687aFFc10857fccD0938ECda0947DE7aD3812 is $10,071,263.40.
How many transactions are there in the WRON/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of WRON/USDC is 7947 in the last 24 hours, 1838 of which are buy transactions, and 6109 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the WRON/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
WRON/USDC pool has a trading volume of $612,972.10 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 WRON to USDC?
The exchange rate of 1 WRON to USDC is 0.7363, captured at 3:55 PM UTC.
How much is 1 WRON in dollars?
The price of converting 1 WRON to USD is $0.7363 today.
WRON-USDC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/28/2025 | 3:54:56 PM | buy | $0.9254 | $0.7363 | 0.9254 | 0.7363 | 1.25 | 0x33...eac9 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:54:56 PM | sell | $111.45 | $0.7319 | 111.45 | 0.7319 | 152.25 | 0xd2...7992 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:54:50 PM | sell | $1,147.31 | $0.7321 | 1,147.31 | 0.7321 | 1,567.02 | 0xba...f09c | |
03/28/2025 | 3:54:35 PM | buy | $11.01 | $0.7367 | 11.01 | 0.7367 | 14.95 | 0xe8...eaa5 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:54:05 PM | buy | $0.1975 | $0.7367 | 0.1975 | 0.7367 | 0.2681 | 0xc4...0299 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:54:05 PM | sell | $577.97 | $0.7324 | 577.97 | 0.7324 | 789.14 | 0x10...ec84 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:53:59 PM | sell | $1,409.14 | $0.7327 | 1,409.14 | 0.7327 | 1,923.22 | 0x7f...ada4 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:53:56 PM | buy | $46.08 | $0.7373 | 46.08 | 0.7373 | 62.5 | 0x08...3bf8 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:53:38 PM | buy | $13.62 | $0.7373 | 13.62 | 0.7373 | 18.47 | 0x1e...bdb2 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:53:08 PM | sell | $51.44 | $0.7328 | 51.44 | 0.7328 | 70.2 | 0xf9...c2e8 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:53:02 PM | buy | $0.824 | $0.7373 | 0.824 | 0.7373 | 1.11 | 0x43...cb8c | |
03/28/2025 | 3:52:20 PM | buy | $0.2053 | $0.7373 | 0.2053 | 0.7373 | 0.2784 | 0x02...7c1c | |
03/28/2025 | 3:52:11 PM | buy | $28.17 | $0.7373 | 28.17 | 0.7373 | 38.2 | 0x09...5fa0 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:52:08 PM | buy | $0.04313 | $0.7373 | 0.04313 | 0.7373 | 0.0585 | 0x52...3265 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:51:53 PM | buy | $30.26 | $0.7373 | 30.26 | 0.7373 | 41.04 | 0xa3...aab6 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:51:32 PM | buy | $16.22 | $0.7373 | 16.22 | 0.7373 | 22 | 0xe9...5e7e | |
03/28/2025 | 3:51:14 PM | buy | $0.07922 | $0.7372 | 0.07922 | 0.7372 | 0.1074 | 0xf9...df1c | |
03/28/2025 | 3:50:56 PM | buy | $0.08557 | $0.7372 | 0.08557 | 0.7372 | 0.116 | 0x61...feb7 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:50:32 PM | buy | $0.08533 | $0.7372 | 0.08533 | 0.7372 | 0.1157 | 0x0e...7a5e | |
03/28/2025 | 3:50:32 PM | sell | $1.54 | $0.7328 | 1.54 | 0.7328 | 2.1 | 0x44...9dd9 |