Info about KANSTAR-WRON pair
- Pooled KANSTAR:
- 78.92M
- Pooled WRON:
- $28,231.15
KANSTAR/WRON price stats on Ronin
As of March 15, 2025, the current price of KANSTAR token on DEX Katana is $0.0002984. KANSTAR price is down -5.62% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 42 trades with trading volume of $5,647.76. KANSTAR token contract is 0x0176eEA5ec1bF7420617A80a046547793aD4C147 with a market cap $299,287.48. The liquidity pool contract is 0xa18b1C408b350BC1B2D598e286813CBF5A09E619 with total value locked (TVL) of $47,240.80. The KANSTAR/WRON trading pair operates on Ronin.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of KANSTAR/WRON now?
The current liquidity of KANSTAR/WRON with the contract address 0xa18b1C408b350BC1B2D598e286813CBF5A09E619 is $47,240.80.
How many transactions are there in the KANSTAR/WRON pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of KANSTAR/WRON is 42 in the last 24 hours, 24 of which are buy transactions, and 18 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the KANSTAR/WRON pool in the last 24 hours?
KANSTAR/WRON pool has a trading volume of $5,647.76 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 KANSTAR to WRON?
The exchange rate of 1 KANSTAR to WRON is 0.0003566, captured at 3:05 AM UTC.
How much is 1 KANSTAR in dollars?
The price of converting 1 KANSTAR to USD is $0.0002984 today.
KANSTAR-WRON price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WRON | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/15/2025 | 2:46:54 AM | sell | $2.06 | $0.0002984 | 2.47 | 0.0003566 | 6,931.17 | 0x9e...6174 | |
03/15/2025 | 2:25:06 AM | sell | $2.26 | $0.0002984 | 2.71 | 0.0003567 | 7,602 | 0x51...7c50 | |
03/15/2025 | 12:29:15 AM | buy | $2.09 | $0.0003013 | 2.5 | 0.0003588 | 6,966 | 0xbc...795b | |
03/14/2025 | 11:48:27 PM | buy | $16.83 | $0.0003018 | 20 | 0.0003585 | 55,772.46 | 0x7f...806c | |
03/14/2025 | 11:05:03 PM | buy | $108.43 | $0.0003012 | 128.41 | 0.0003567 | 360,000 | 0xb0...6415 | |
03/14/2025 | 10:54:39 PM | buy | $164.57 | $0.0002978 | 194.83 | 0.0003526 | 552,500 | 0x57...5276 | |
03/14/2025 | 10:45:21 PM | buy | $154.13 | $0.0002938 | 182.45 | 0.0003479 | 524,441.5 | 0x29...a3a8 | |
03/14/2025 | 8:58:42 PM | buy | $12.71 | $0.0002928 | 15 | 0.0003454 | 43,421.55 | 0x70...facc | |
03/14/2025 | 6:55:59 PM | buy | $99.77 | $0.0002927 | 117.18 | 0.0003438 | 340,856.96 | 0xc5...546f | |
03/14/2025 | 6:49:29 PM | buy | $6.45 | $0.0002912 | 7.58 | 0.0003422 | 22,154.03 | 0xb9...3764 | |
03/14/2025 | 6:45:35 PM | buy | $85.04 | $0.0002899 | 100 | 0.0003409 | 293,319.72 | 0x8a...1260 | |
03/14/2025 | 6:43:20 PM | buy | $19.78 | $0.0002886 | 23.26 | 0.0003394 | 68,555.13 | 0x5f...1b7a | |
03/14/2025 | 6:29:53 PM | sell | $51.94 | $0.0002869 | 61.16 | 0.0003378 | 181,055.36 | 0x50...2467 | |
03/14/2025 | 6:29:50 PM | buy | $51.8 | $0.0002858 | 61 | 0.0003365 | 181,236.62 | 0x5c...78ea | |
03/14/2025 | 6:29:50 PM | buy | $113.79 | $0.0002878 | 134 | 0.0003389 | 395,310.18 | 0xe9...77db | |
03/14/2025 | 6:22:08 PM | buy | $41.14 | $0.0002847 | 48.45 | 0.0003352 | 144,526.21 | 0x51...f382 | |
03/14/2025 | 6:21:59 PM | sell | $353.16 | $0.0002868 | 415.84 | 0.0003377 | 1.23M | 0x25...8cd1 | |
03/14/2025 | 6:21:23 PM | buy | $55.2 | $0.0002877 | 65 | 0.0003388 | 191,834.46 | 0x8b...c9f8 | |
03/14/2025 | 6:21:23 PM | sell | $55.93 | $0.0002918 | 65.86 | 0.0003436 | 191,642.63 | 0x08...a55b | |
03/14/2025 | 6:21:23 PM | buy | $237.79 | $0.0002913 | 280 | 0.000343 | 816,114.02 | 0xb0...59a7 |