Info about USDC-USDT pair
- Pooled USDC:
- 19.56M
- Pooled USDT:
- $19.56M
USDC/USDT price stats on Cronos
As of March 25, 2025, the current price of USDC token on DEX VVS Finance is $1. USDC price is up 0.12% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 156 trades with trading volume of $130,666.65. USDC token contract is 0xc21223249CA28397B4B6541dfFaEcC539BfF0c59 with a market cap $129,445,548.32. The liquidity pool contract is 0x39cC0E14795A8e6e9D02A21091b81FE0d61D82f9 with total value locked (TVL) of $39,127,823.71. The USDC/USDT trading pair operates on Cronos.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of USDC/USDT now?
The current liquidity of USDC/USDT with the contract address 0x39cC0E14795A8e6e9D02A21091b81FE0d61D82f9 is $39,127,823.71.
How many transactions are there in the USDC/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of USDC/USDT is 156 in the last 24 hours, 82 of which are buy transactions, and 74 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the USDC/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
USDC/USDT pool has a trading volume of $130,666.65 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 USDC to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 USDC to USDT is 1, captured at 7:19 AM UTC.
How much is 1 USDC in dollars?
The price of converting 1 USDC to USD is $1 today.
USDC-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/25/2025 | 6:52:10 AM | buy | $500.39 | $1 | 500.39 | 1 | 498.88 | 0x32...56e5 | |
03/25/2025 | 6:51:58 AM | buy | $503.98 | $1 | 503.98 | 1 | 502.48 | 0x4c...b174 | |
03/25/2025 | 6:49:10 AM | buy | $507.47 | $1 | 507.47 | 1 | 505.99 | 0xf9...e890 | |
03/25/2025 | 6:46:41 AM | sell | $508.98 | $0.9969 | 508.98 | 0.9969 | 510.55 | 0x56...3ed2 | |
03/25/2025 | 6:38:17 AM | buy | $7.83 | $1 | 7.83 | 1 | 7.8 | 0xa0...6cbd | |
03/25/2025 | 6:36:34 AM | buy | $2,064.47 | $1 | 2,064.47 | 1 | 2,058.61 | 0x8d...354a | |
03/25/2025 | 6:21:30 AM | buy | $0.2211 | $1 | 0.2211 | 1 | 0.2205 | 0x5a...eac2 | |
03/25/2025 | 6:13:24 AM | buy | $2,400 | $1 | 2,400 | 1 | 2,393.73 | 0xc2...af8c | |
03/25/2025 | 6:06:17 AM | sell | $858.27 | $0.9965 | 858.27 | 0.9965 | 861.26 | 0x12...750e | |
03/25/2025 | 6:03:13 AM | buy | $225 | $1 | 225 | 1 | 224.42 | 0xf5...6f29 | |
03/25/2025 | 6:02:27 AM | buy | $225 | $1 | 225 | 1 | 224.42 | 0x13...8fee | |
03/25/2025 | 6:01:37 AM | buy | $230 | $1 | 230 | 1 | 229.42 | 0x70...8ae7 | |
03/25/2025 | 5:53:02 AM | buy | $0.4 | $1 | 0.4 | 1 | 0.3989 | 0x9c...e42a | |
03/25/2025 | 5:46:40 AM | buy | $506.5 | $1 | 506.5 | 1 | 505.24 | 0xa2...b431 | |
03/25/2025 | 5:46:28 AM | buy | $508.48 | $1 | 508.48 | 1 | 507.25 | 0x0b...30ea | |
03/25/2025 | 5:38:50 AM | buy | $511.18 | $1 | 511.18 | 1 | 509.97 | 0x69...dd12 | |
03/25/2025 | 5:37:25 AM | buy | $513.01 | $1 | 513.01 | 1 | 511.82 | 0x99...d8de | |
03/25/2025 | 5:34:32 AM | buy | $513.94 | $1 | 513.94 | 1 | 512.77 | 0xcf...ee6e | |
03/25/2025 | 5:33:11 AM | sell | $515.4 | $0.9962 | 515.4 | 0.9962 | 517.33 | 0x51...1363 | |
03/25/2025 | 5:31:29 AM | buy | $0.55 | $1 | 0.55 | 1 | 0.5487 | 0x1a...7257 |