Info about MATIC-VVS pair
- Pooled MATIC:
- 23,059.59
- Pooled VVS:
- $501.43M
MATIC/VVS price stats on Cronos
As of March 31, 2025, the current price of MATIC token on DEX VVS Finance is $0.05659. MATIC price is down -18.82% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 3 trades with trading volume of $443.07. MATIC token contract is 0xf78a326ACd53651F8dF5D8b137295e434B7c8ba5 with a market cap $110,537.23. The liquidity pool contract is 0xC07748A0E2dC5Cff2c1f15778D1a3982Ec669617 with total value locked (TVL) of $2,592.16. The MATIC/VVS trading pair operates on Cronos.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of MATIC/VVS now?
The current liquidity of MATIC/VVS with the contract address 0xC07748A0E2dC5Cff2c1f15778D1a3982Ec669617 is $2,592.16.
How many transactions are there in the MATIC/VVS pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of MATIC/VVS is 3 in the last 24 hours, 2 of which are buy transactions, and 1 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the MATIC/VVS pool in the last 24 hours?
MATIC/VVS pool has a trading volume of $443.07 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 MATIC to VVS?
The exchange rate of 1 MATIC to VVS is 21,893.76, captured at 10:01 AM UTC.
How much is 1 MATIC in dollars?
The price of converting 1 MATIC to USD is $0.05659 today.
MATIC-VVS price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price VVS | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/30/2025 | 3:12:55 PM | sell | $158.6 | $0.0562 | 61.36M | 21,744.97 | 2,474.54 | 0x81...4699 | |
03/30/2025 | 3:12:55 PM | sell | $12.75 | $0.05659 | 4.94M | 21,893.76 | 225.41 | 0x8f...7bea | |
03/29/2025 | 10:07:33 PM | buy | $271.71 | $0.06971 | 108.69M | 27,884.86 | 4,806.12 | 0xf6...10e4 | |
03/29/2025 | 6:43:54 AM | buy | $2.6 | $0.04644 | 1.02M | 18,254.63 | 56.13 | 0xad...786d | |
03/28/2025 | 7:35:07 PM | sell | $6.69 | $0.04683 | 2.6M | 18,208.04 | 142.89 | 0x0d...2c71 | |
03/28/2025 | 9:26:25 AM | sell | $140.75 | $0.04896 | 52.79M | 18,366.57 | 2,585.74 | 0x7b...d9c6 | |
03/27/2025 | 11:49:18 PM | buy | $7.66 | $0.06004 | 2.9M | 22,764.1 | 127.59 | 0xfa...2803 | |
03/27/2025 | 9:57:40 PM | buy | $129.8 | $0.05579 | 52.5M | 22,567.79 | 2,585.41 | 0x16...3ba6 | |
03/26/2025 | 4:56:10 AM | sell | $6.84 | $0.04715 | 2.64M | 18,220.38 | 145.05 | 0xff...c604 | |
03/24/2025 | 1:02:27 AM | sell | $2.72 | $0.03748 | 1.33M | 18,378.8 | 72.63 | 0xa4...6e80 | |
03/21/2025 | 5:09:27 PM | sell | $94.05 | $0.03597 | 48.33M | 18,487.52 | 2,373.14 | 0x52...23b5 | |
03/21/2025 | 4:58:18 PM | buy | $89.7 | $0.0439 | 46.11M | 22,564.64 | 2,239.45 | 0x5d...3014 | |
03/20/2025 | 2:51:40 PM | sell | $19.02 | $0.03834 | 9.43M | 18,999.89 | 496.25 | 0x82...038b | |
03/20/2025 | 2:49:20 PM | buy | $22.09 | $0.03844 | 10.95M | 19,051.76 | 574.76 | 0x0b...7b42 | |
03/20/2025 | 1:34:50 AM | sell | $9.76 | $0.03767 | 4.85M | 18,695.52 | 259.32 | 0xfc...c63f | |
03/20/2025 | 1:23:56 AM | buy | $10.84 | $0.03785 | 5.38M | 18,786.58 | 286.38 | 0x87...09d8 | |
03/18/2025 | 11:54:15 PM | sell | $0.5453 | $0.03635 | 277,063.18 | 18,470.87 | 15 | 0x18...bd2b | |
03/18/2025 | 11:52:07 PM | sell | $0.1091 | $0.03638 | 55,452.52 | 18,484.17 | 3 | 0x5e...d0ed | |
03/18/2025 | 11:10:58 PM | sell | $14.43 | $0.03695 | 7.33M | 18,780.46 | 390.56 | 0x40...fb65 | |
03/17/2025 | 9:08:27 PM | buy | $3.12 | $0.04027 | 1.48M | 19,132.7 | 77.54 | 0xd8...195b |