Info about DIP-WCRO pair
- Pooled DIP:
- 3.88B
- Pooled WCRO:
- $24.28M
DIP/WCRO price stats on Cronos
As of March 28, 2025, the current price of DIP token on DEX VVS Finance is $0.0006618. DIP price is up 7.52% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 17 trades with trading volume of $8,133.67. DIP token contract is 0x9BE47E9Dca99a6F5CB3666d079571Ec229Ae2CA4 with a market cap $6,638,534.36. The liquidity pool contract is 0x09F06AdB616FC7dDfeB8a33ebB93c810D97AdDbD with total value locked (TVL) of $5,156,294.24. The DIP/WCRO trading pair operates on Cronos.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of DIP/WCRO now?
The current liquidity of DIP/WCRO with the contract address 0x09F06AdB616FC7dDfeB8a33ebB93c810D97AdDbD is $5,156,294.24.
How many transactions are there in the DIP/WCRO pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of DIP/WCRO is 17 in the last 24 hours, 9 of which are buy transactions, and 8 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the DIP/WCRO pool in the last 24 hours?
DIP/WCRO pool has a trading volume of $8,133.67 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 DIP to WCRO?
The exchange rate of 1 DIP to WCRO is 0.006233, captured at 3:07 PM UTC.
How much is 1 DIP in dollars?
The price of converting 1 DIP to USD is $0.0006618 today.
DIP-WCRO price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WCRO | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/28/2025 | 1:19:13 PM | sell | $15.86 | $0.0006618 | 149.36 | 0.006233 | 23,962.6 | 0x1c...0044 | |
03/28/2025 | 11:50:09 AM | buy | $84.09 | $0.0006682 | 789.09 | 0.00627 | 125,840.28 | 0x0f...5957 | |
03/28/2025 | 9:30:44 AM | sell | $24.51 | $0.0006714 | 227.56 | 0.006232 | 36,510 | 0x38...ec32 | |
03/28/2025 | 9:29:48 AM | buy | $66.18 | $0.0006755 | 614.37 | 0.00627 | 97,981.05 | 0xac...1587 | |
03/28/2025 | 7:50:42 AM | buy | $4,171.2 | $0.000658 | 39,680.61 | 0.006259 | 6.34M | 0x5b...31cb | |
03/28/2025 | 7:15:59 AM | buy | $563.15 | $0.000673 | 5,228.42 | 0.006248 | 836,764.65 | 0xb5...e740 | |
03/28/2025 | 2:19:39 AM | buy | $60.59 | $0.000706 | 536.15 | 0.006246 | 85,828.01 | 0x67...8fa4 | |
03/28/2025 | 2:12:43 AM | buy | $688.86 | $0.0007002 | 6,143.42 | 0.006245 | 983,707.08 | 0x7c...572d | |
03/28/2025 | 12:18:00 AM | sell | $15.53 | $0.0006732 | 143.18 | 0.006206 | 23,070.5 | 0xed...0029 | |
03/27/2025 | 9:54:23 PM | sell | $496.11 | $0.0006178 | 4,984.04 | 0.006207 | 802,900 | 0x27...9398 | |
03/27/2025 | 8:28:40 PM | sell | $516.22 | $0.0006111 | 5,245.73 | 0.00621 | 844,700 | 0xa8...953d | |
03/27/2025 | 6:12:44 PM | sell | $19.99 | $0.00061 | 203.64 | 0.006211 | 32,784.76 | 0xb5...ad52 | |
03/27/2025 | 6:12:38 PM | sell | $19.99 | $0.00061 | 203.64 | 0.006211 | 32,784.21 | 0xac...9355 | |
03/27/2025 | 3:03:58 PM | sell | $932.44 | $0.0006194 | 9,353.51 | 0.006214 | 1.51M | 0x0f...8134 | |
03/27/2025 | 3:03:58 PM | sell | $300.02 | $0.0006197 | 3,009.59 | 0.006217 | 484,067.35 | 0xf0...81c1 | |
03/27/2025 | 1:33:12 PM | buy | $4.94 | $0.0006133 | 50.43 | 0.006255 | 8,062.14 | 0xf9...5282 | |
03/27/2025 | 1:21:57 PM | buy | $153.9 | $0.0006156 | 1,563.78 | 0.006255 | 250,000 | 0xec...0351 | |
03/27/2025 | 1:02:05 PM | buy | $154.84 | $0.0006193 | 1,563.58 | 0.006254 | 250,000 | 0xc8...1887 | |
03/27/2025 | 1:53:12 AM | sell | $33.37 | $0.0006271 | 330.88 | 0.006216 | 53,226.5 | 0xa6...5623 | |
03/27/2025 | 1:51:58 AM | buy | $3.34 | $0.0006308 | 33.19 | 0.006254 | 5,307.8 | 0x4f...ce19 |