Info about IP-USDT pair
- Pooled IP:
- 8.58M
- Pooled USDT:
- $630,506.33
IP/USDT price stats on BNB Chain
As of February 11, 2025, the current price of IP token on DEX PancakeSwap is $0.07511. IP price is up 299,629% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 1611 trades with trading volume of $111,875,798.34. IP token contract is 0xC42EDb276609Cf5c530690e91483Ec8574218737 with a market cap $73,492,136.15. The liquidity pool contract is 0xD0648620733F9E9DDBD2AE181A254fDc01a4a4Be with total value locked (TVL) of $1,261,012.66. The IP/USDT trading pair operates on BNB Chain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of IP/USDT now?
The current liquidity of IP/USDT with the contract address 0xD0648620733F9E9DDBD2AE181A254fDc01a4a4Be is $1,261,012.66.
How many transactions are there in the IP/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of IP/USDT is 1611 in the last 24 hours, 751 of which are buy transactions, and 860 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the IP/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
IP/USDT pool has a trading volume of $111,875,798.34 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 IP to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 IP to USDT is 0.07511, captured at 5:34 PM UTC.
How much is 1 IP in dollars?
The price of converting 1 IP to USD is $0.07511 today.
IP-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/11/2025 | 5:34:40 PM | sell | $15,479.99 | $0.07511 | 15,479.99 | 0.07511 | 206,090.13 | 0xd2...c9d7 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:34:25 PM | sell | $13,096.13 | $0.07852 | 13,096.13 | 0.07852 | 166,785.13 | 0x13...2a93 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:34:13 PM | buy | $3,820.43 | $0.08004 | 3,820.43 | 0.08004 | 47,726.67 | 0xef...c30b | |
02/11/2025 | 5:33:58 PM | buy | $19,048.17 | $0.07727 | 19,048.17 | 0.07727 | 246,508.62 | 0xbc...0f5e | |
02/11/2025 | 5:33:46 PM | buy | $5,313.37 | $0.0744 | 5,313.37 | 0.0744 | 71,412.12 | 0xaa...a98c | |
02/11/2025 | 5:33:34 PM | sell | $14,997.41 | $0.07516 | 14,997.41 | 0.07516 | 199,524.81 | 0x58...ddbb | |
02/11/2025 | 5:33:22 PM | buy | $18,933.28 | $0.07507 | 18,933.28 | 0.07507 | 252,202.88 | 0xed...6170 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:33:10 PM | buy | $18,991.95 | $0.07066 | 18,991.95 | 0.07066 | 268,745.79 | 0xdb...ab99 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:32:58 PM | buy | $5,407.31 | $0.06792 | 5,407.31 | 0.06792 | 79,608.52 | 0x2f...8ef3 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:32:46 PM | sell | $9,753.73 | $0.06807 | 9,753.73 | 0.06807 | 143,285.54 | 0xe5...47e3 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:32:34 PM | buy | $11,235.34 | $0.06824 | 11,235.34 | 0.06824 | 164,631.49 | 0xd5...9a66 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:32:19 PM | buy | $17,308.36 | $0.06506 | 17,308.36 | 0.06506 | 266,008 | 0x6d...1441 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:32:07 PM | sell | $10,243.56 | $0.06398 | 10,243.56 | 0.06398 | 160,084.27 | 0x01...80a7 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:31:55 PM | sell | $6,475.91 | $0.06582 | 6,475.91 | 0.06582 | 98,383.78 | 0x3b...5fd9 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:31:40 PM | sell | $5,983 | $0.0672 | 5,983 | 0.0672 | 89,025.83 | 0x21...e101 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:31:28 PM | sell | $11,934.16 | $0.06921 | 11,934.16 | 0.06921 | 172,424.62 | 0xd3...0d52 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:31:13 PM | buy | $3,498.11 | $0.07052 | 3,498.11 | 0.07052 | 49,598.4 | 0xec...5469 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:30:49 PM | buy | $9,053.39 | $0.07286 | 9,053.39 | 0.07286 | 124,250.98 | 0xc9...c260 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:31:01 PM | sell | $16,389.49 | $0.07164 | 16,389.49 | 0.07164 | 228,759.32 | 0xaa...7f27 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:30:37 PM | buy | $13,287.33 | $0.07028 | 13,287.33 | 0.07028 | 189,042.01 | 0xe8...a010 |