Info about IP-USDT pair
- Pooled IP:
- 156.09M
- Pooled USDT:
- $45,027.44
IP/USDT price stats on BNB Chain
As of February 11, 2025, the current price of IP token on DEX PancakeSwap is $0.0002891. IP price is up 646% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 18 trades with trading volume of $38,027.44. IP token contract is 0x639324CE2Af8D7378A5F07DF1b679E4C995E020F with a market cap $288,474.95. The liquidity pool contract is 0x0808C7817E2A8004Bf0f583eFbfdc5B32C5bF085 with total value locked (TVL) of $90,054.88. The IP/USDT trading pair operates on BNB Chain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of IP/USDT now?
The current liquidity of IP/USDT with the contract address 0x0808C7817E2A8004Bf0f583eFbfdc5B32C5bF085 is $90,054.88.
How many transactions are there in the IP/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of IP/USDT is 18 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 18 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the IP/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
IP/USDT pool has a trading volume of $38,027.44 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 IP to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 IP to USDT is 0.0002891, captured at 9:44 AM UTC.
How much is 1 IP in dollars?
The price of converting 1 IP to USD is $0.0002891 today.
IP-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/11/2025 | 7:48:22 AM | buy | $7.57 | $0.0002891 | 7.57 | 0.0002891 | 26,205.41 | 0x64...abc9 | |
02/11/2025 | 7:20:28 AM | buy | $7.03 | $0.000289 | 7.03 | 0.000289 | 24,341.58 | 0x4d...14c8 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:40:58 AM | buy | $11.15 | $0.0002889 | 11.15 | 0.0002889 | 38,596.88 | 0xbe...2766 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:27:22 AM | buy | $0.7985 | $0.0002888 | 0.7985 | 0.0002888 | 2,764.35 | 0x43...9752 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:17:19 AM | buy | $1,602 | $0.0002785 | 1,602 | 0.0002785 | 5.75M | 0x4f...5a0d | |
02/11/2025 | 5:16:58 AM | buy | $4,621 | $0.000268 | 4,621 | 0.000268 | 19.25M | 0x56...1e99 | |
02/11/2025 | 5:15:04 AM | buy | $3,708 | $0.000214 | 3,708 | 0.000214 | 19.11M | 0xae...92ff | |
02/11/2025 | 3:57:01 AM | buy | $59.93 | $0.0001752 | 59.93 | 0.0001752 | 342,004.03 | 0x86...e3d9 | |
02/11/2025 | 3:36:06 AM | buy | $5.52 | $0.0001749 | 5.52 | 0.0001749 | 31,607.97 | 0xde...e3b1 | |
02/11/2025 | 3:21:30 AM | buy | $0.9199 | $0.0001748 | 0.9199 | 0.0001748 | 5,260.65 | 0x62...775e | |
02/11/2025 | 2:23:18 AM | buy | $3.49 | $0.0001748 | 3.49 | 0.0001748 | 20,000 | 0xb5...d52d | |
02/11/2025 | 2:06:45 AM | buy | $2,553 | $0.0001744 | 2,553 | 0.0001744 | 15.75M | 0x3c...3db1 | |
02/11/2025 | 2:06:27 AM | buy | $5,696 | $0.0001499 | 5,696 | 0.0001499 | 45.97M | 0x38...0426 | |
02/11/2025 | 2:06:12 AM | buy | $4,551 | $0.0001019 | 4,551 | 0.0001019 | 53.66M | 0xb9...929a | |
02/11/2025 | 2:06:03 AM | buy | $5,711 | $0.00007023 | 5,711 | 0.00007023 | 109.2M | 0x8e...fa6c | |
02/11/2025 | 2:05:54 AM | buy | $4,851 | $0.00003877 | 4,851 | 0.00003877 | 176.82M | 0xc3...5f48 | |
02/11/2025 | 2:05:36 AM | buy | $4,621 | $0.00001932 | 4,621 | 0.00001932 | 395.5M | 0x91...4cc8 | |
02/11/2025 | 2:05:27 AM | buy | $17 | $0.057034 | 17 | 0.057034 | 2.42M | 0x77...9c51 |