Info about OHM-WETH pair
- Pooled OHM:
- 13.57
- Pooled WETH:
- $0.7838
OHM/WETH price stats on Base
As of March 6, 2025, the current price of OHM token on DEX Uniswap V3 is $23.11. OHM price is up 1.05% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 25 trades with trading volume of $150.03. OHM token contract is 0x060cb087a9730E13aa191f31A6d86bFF8DfcdCC0 with a market cap $1,847,423.31. The liquidity pool contract is 0xe17c1678a95927259eb2A1420D8f7bC3aF2508c1 with total value locked (TVL) of $2,131.48. The OHM/WETH trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of OHM/WETH now?
The current liquidity of OHM/WETH with the contract address 0xe17c1678a95927259eb2A1420D8f7bC3aF2508c1 is $2,131.48.
How many transactions are there in the OHM/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of OHM/WETH is 25 in the last 24 hours, 4 of which are buy transactions, and 21 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the OHM/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
OHM/WETH pool has a trading volume of $150.03 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 OHM to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 OHM to WETH is 0.00997, captured at 1:18 PM UTC.
How much is 1 OHM in dollars?
The price of converting 1 OHM to USD is $23.11 today.
OHM-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/06/2025 | 5:57:53 AM | sell | $3.39 | $23.11 | 0.001464 | 0.00997 | 0.1468 | 0x32...8b4c | |
03/06/2025 | 5:21:23 AM | sell | $3.79 | $23.11 | 0.001642 | 0.009992 | 0.1643 | 0x12...7de7 | |
03/06/2025 | 5:21:19 AM | sell | $3.3 | $23.12 | 0.00143 | 0.01001 | 0.1428 | 0xd4...f412 | |
03/06/2025 | 4:54:41 AM | sell | $4.68 | $23.09 | 0.002038 | 0.01003 | 0.203 | 0x0f...f295 | |
03/06/2025 | 3:04:51 AM | sell | $4.85 | $23.09 | 0.002117 | 0.01006 | 0.2103 | 0xaf...5610 | |
03/06/2025 | 1:47:31 AM | sell | $6.53 | $23.06 | 0.002861 | 0.0101 | 0.2832 | 0xf9...88f6 | |
03/06/2025 | 1:46:55 AM | sell | $8.23 | $23.12 | 0.003616 | 0.01014 | 0.3563 | 0x1e...354c | |
03/06/2025 | 1:45:27 AM | sell | $6.26 | $23.06 | 0.002769 | 0.01019 | 0.2716 | 0x4d...2e7a | |
03/06/2025 | 12:17:49 AM | sell | $5.31 | $23.05 | 0.002359 | 0.01022 | 0.2306 | 0x1f...78a8 | |
03/05/2025 | 11:40:35 PM | sell | $4.09 | $23.02 | 0.001823 | 0.01025 | 0.1777 | 0x61...00fa | |
03/05/2025 | 9:10:57 PM | sell | $4.98 | $23.04 | 0.002223 | 0.01028 | 0.2161 | 0xe5...73c2 | |
03/05/2025 | 8:32:45 PM | sell | $4.3 | $22.96 | 0.001933 | 0.01031 | 0.1874 | 0xd5...08d5 | |
03/05/2025 | 5:33:53 PM | sell | $3.6 | $22.93 | 0.001626 | 0.01034 | 0.1572 | 0x83...b044 | |
03/05/2025 | 5:29:57 PM | sell | $4.43 | $22.95 | 0.002001 | 0.01036 | 0.193 | 0xf1...3b6c | |
03/05/2025 | 5:18:43 PM | sell | $5.01 | $22.96 | 0.002269 | 0.01039 | 0.2182 | 0x60...7ade | |
03/05/2025 | 4:36:57 PM | buy | $38.72 | $22.78 | 0.01784 | 0.01049 | 1.69 | 0x8d...674a | |
03/05/2025 | 4:27:15 PM | buy | $3.12 | $22.42 | 0.001446 | 0.01036 | 0.1395 | 0xc9...c59a | |
03/05/2025 | 2:58:13 PM | buy | $3.85 | $22.44 | 0.001775 | 0.01033 | 0.1717 | 0x81...000b | |
03/05/2025 | 2:56:59 PM | buy | $3.64 | $22.43 | 0.001674 | 0.01031 | 0.1623 | 0x6c...47eb | |
03/05/2025 | 10:34:31 AM | sell | $6.37 | $22.96 | 0.002806 | 0.01011 | 0.2774 | 0x92...1df4 |