Info about LUNA-VIRTUAL pair
- Pooled LUNA:
- 93.35M
- Pooled VIRTUAL:
- $1.8M
LUNA/VIRTUAL price stats on Base
As of January 21, 2025, the current price of LUNA token on DEX Uniswap is $0.04943. LUNA price is down -6.69% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 1000 trades with trading volume of $487,345.42. LUNA token contract is 0x55cD6469F597452B5A7536e2CD98fDE4c1247ee4 with a market cap $49,645,668.99. The liquidity pool contract is 0xa8e64FB120CE8796594670BAE72279C8aA1e5359 with total value locked (TVL) of $9,242,460.31. The LUNA/VIRTUAL trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of LUNA/VIRTUAL now?
The current liquidity of LUNA/VIRTUAL with the contract address 0xa8e64FB120CE8796594670BAE72279C8aA1e5359 is $9,242,460.31.
How many transactions are there in the LUNA/VIRTUAL pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of LUNA/VIRTUAL is 1000 in the last 24 hours, 482 of which are buy transactions, and 518 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the LUNA/VIRTUAL pool in the last 24 hours?
LUNA/VIRTUAL pool has a trading volume of $487,345.42 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 LUNA to VIRTUAL?
The exchange rate of 1 LUNA to VIRTUAL is 0.01935, captured at 10:51 AM UTC.
How much is 1 LUNA in dollars?
The price of converting 1 LUNA to USD is $0.04943 today.
LUNA-VIRTUAL price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price VIRTUAL | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/21/2025 | 10:48:49 AM | buy | $14.29 | $0.04943 | 5.59 | 0.01935 | 289.08 | 0xdc...628a | |
01/21/2025 | 10:43:53 AM | sell | $1,750.34 | $0.04921 | 684.41 | 0.01924 | 35,564 | 0x3d...e6c1 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:40:07 AM | buy | $32.98 | $0.04962 | 12.87 | 0.01936 | 664.71 | 0xbe...851d | |
01/21/2025 | 10:40:03 AM | buy | $4.94 | $0.04962 | 1.93 | 0.01936 | 99.69 | 0x9a...17af | |
01/21/2025 | 10:30:01 AM | sell | $3,463.29 | $0.04949 | 1,348.19 | 0.01926 | 69,977.8 | 0x4d...3e98 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:26:37 AM | sell | $12.29 | $0.0493 | 4.8 | 0.01928 | 249.42 | 0x4e...1e0c | |
01/21/2025 | 10:23:39 AM | buy | $49.85 | $0.04945 | 19.55 | 0.01939 | 1,008.15 | 0x7d...ed19 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:22:33 AM | buy | $249.63 | $0.0494 | 97.99 | 0.01939 | 5,052.68 | 0x24...3158 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:16:15 AM | buy | $82.51 | $0.04908 | 32.59 | 0.01939 | 1,680.93 | 0xa6...99e5 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:16:15 AM | buy | $82.4 | $0.04907 | 32.55 | 0.01938 | 1,679.2 | 0xa6...99e5 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:16:15 AM | buy | $494.69 | $0.04908 | 195.42 | 0.01939 | 10,078.7 | 0xa6...99e5 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:16:15 AM | buy | $164.9 | $0.04909 | 65.14 | 0.01939 | 3,359.06 | 0xa6...99e5 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:16:09 AM | buy | $99.65 | $0.04907 | 39.37 | 0.01938 | 2,030.79 | 0x4e...a9c6 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:14:19 AM | buy | $67.2 | $0.04908 | 26.54 | 0.01938 | 1,369.12 | 0xff...2687 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:13:21 AM | buy | $2.36 | $0.04918 | 0.9327 | 0.01938 | 48.11 | 0x25...f2e8 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:13:11 AM | buy | $75.32 | $0.04917 | 29.68 | 0.01938 | 1,531.52 | 0x61...30e6 | |
01/21/2025 | 10:13:03 AM | buy | $55.42 | $0.0492 | 21.83 | 0.01938 | 1,126.2 | 0xf1...ca1b | |
01/21/2025 | 10:12:59 AM | buy | $109.48 | $0.0492 | 43.12 | 0.01938 | 2,224.88 | 0xaa...db8e | |
01/21/2025 | 10:12:59 AM | buy | $97.48 | $0.0492 | 38.4 | 0.01938 | 1,981.2 | 0x67...508b | |
01/21/2025 | 10:12:59 AM | buy | $260.6 | $0.04929 | 102.47 | 0.01938 | 5,287.16 | 0x89...2b5e |