Info about AIYP-VIRTUAL pair
- Pooled AIYP:
- 47.57M
- Pooled VIRTUAL:
- $124,438.89
AIYP/VIRTUAL price stats on Base
As of February 22, 2025, the current price of AIYP token on DEX is $0.003367. AIYP price is up 16.69% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 24 trades with trading volume of $2,087.19. AIYP token contract is 0x919E43a2CcE006710090E64BDE9E01b38Fd7f32f with a market cap $3,373,965.47. The liquidity pool contract is 0x8fe8145564FB355De820a04d1D5cdd84c360ed14 with total value locked (TVL) of $321,286.94. The AIYP/VIRTUAL trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of AIYP/VIRTUAL now?
The current liquidity of AIYP/VIRTUAL with the contract address 0x8fe8145564FB355De820a04d1D5cdd84c360ed14 is $321,286.94.
How many transactions are there in the AIYP/VIRTUAL pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of AIYP/VIRTUAL is 24 in the last 24 hours, 17 of which are buy transactions, and 7 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the AIYP/VIRTUAL pool in the last 24 hours?
AIYP/VIRTUAL pool has a trading volume of $2,087.19 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 AIYP to VIRTUAL?
The exchange rate of 1 AIYP to VIRTUAL is 0.002608, captured at 10:59 AM UTC.
How much is 1 AIYP in dollars?
The price of converting 1 AIYP to USD is $0.003367 today.
AIYP-VIRTUAL price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price VIRTUAL | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/22/2025 | 10:48:05 AM | sell | $15.96 | $0.003367 | 12.36 | 0.002608 | 4,739.68 | 0x96...3806 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:45:31 AM | sell | $67.08 | $0.003316 | 52.79 | 0.002609 | 20,228.67 | 0x96...4592 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:24:45 AM | sell | $15.15 | $0.003256 | 12.15 | 0.002611 | 4,653 | 0xd3...5954 | |
02/22/2025 | 10:03:09 AM | buy | $10.88 | $0.003223 | 8.87 | 0.002627 | 3,377.68 | 0x91...be4c | |
02/22/2025 | 10:00:19 AM | sell | $1.73 | $0.003156 | 1.42 | 0.002581 | 550.71 | 0xbe...f7f5 | |
02/22/2025 | 9:52:57 AM | sell | $2.5 | $0.003143 | 2.05 | 0.002581 | 795.83 | 0xb9...d44c | |
02/22/2025 | 9:40:43 AM | sell | $14.62 | $0.003143 | 12.15 | 0.002611 | 4,653 | 0x5c...9c8b | |
02/22/2025 | 9:22:37 AM | sell | $14.32 | $0.003079 | 12.15 | 0.002612 | 4,653 | 0xcd...4b7c | |
02/22/2025 | 8:47:13 AM | buy | $24.86 | $0.003065 | 21.31 | 0.002627 | 8,112.23 | 0xa7...ef49 | |
02/22/2025 | 8:40:11 AM | buy | $268.5 | $0.003067 | 229.51 | 0.002622 | 87,525.71 | 0xf4...836c | |
02/22/2025 | 8:35:25 AM | sell | $14.15 | $0.003042 | 12.1 | 0.002602 | 4,653 | 0xb5...797d | |
02/22/2025 | 8:12:21 AM | sell | $14.16 | $0.003044 | 12.1 | 0.002602 | 4,653 | 0x23...912a | |
02/22/2025 | 7:07:39 AM | sell | $68.52 | $0.003019 | 59.1 | 0.002604 | 22,697.72 | 0x0f...bcb1 | |
02/22/2025 | 6:58:35 AM | buy | $883.13 | $0.003008 | 764.53 | 0.002604 | 293,501.59 | 0x94...1590 | |
02/22/2025 | 6:42:47 AM | buy | $204.92 | $0.003005 | 176.29 | 0.002585 | 68,194.17 | 0x00...8dcb | |
02/22/2025 | 6:39:27 AM | sell | $23.57 | $0.002988 | 20.24 | 0.002566 | 7,888.27 | 0xbb...0dfc | |
02/22/2025 | 6:32:09 AM | buy | $249.14 | $0.003006 | 213.62 | 0.002577 | 82,865.79 | 0x71...bb1d | |
02/22/2025 | 6:27:01 AM | sell | $13.9 | $0.002989 | 11.9 | 0.002558 | 4,653 | 0x55...79c8 | |
02/22/2025 | 6:02:11 AM | sell | $92.52 | $0.002992 | 79.15 | 0.00256 | 30,915.72 | 0x21...2cf9 | |
02/22/2025 | 5:42:53 AM | sell | $0.7449 | $0.003009 | 0.634 | 0.002561 | 247.5 | 0x70...e010 |