Info about cbBTC-USDC pair
- Pooled cbBTC:
- 0.01861
- Pooled USDC:
- $2,200.82
cbBTC/USDC price stats on Base
As of February 5, 2025, the current price of cbBTC token on DEX SwapBased is $97,683.45. cbBTC price is down -1.98% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 2409 trades with trading volume of $80,017.18. cbBTC token contract is 0xcbB7C0000aB88B473b1f5aFd9ef808440eed33Bf with a market cap $617,140,012.23. The liquidity pool contract is 0xDe1D6c1C1e59F166Ef7d80f81eF4A24a1459CFdF with total value locked (TVL) of $4,019.23. The cbBTC/USDC trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of cbBTC/USDC now?
The current liquidity of cbBTC/USDC with the contract address 0xDe1D6c1C1e59F166Ef7d80f81eF4A24a1459CFdF is $4,019.23.
How many transactions are there in the cbBTC/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of cbBTC/USDC is 2409 in the last 24 hours, 1213 of which are buy transactions, and 1196 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the cbBTC/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
cbBTC/USDC pool has a trading volume of $80,017.18 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 cbBTC to USDC?
The exchange rate of 1 cbBTC to USDC is 97,683.45, captured at 4:28 PM UTC.
How much is 1 cbBTC in dollars?
The price of converting 1 cbBTC to USD is $97,683.45 today.
cbBTC-USDC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/05/2025 | 4:28:49 PM | buy | $40.68 | $97,683.45 | 40.68 | 97,683.45 | 0.0004165 | 0xc3...6170 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:27:07 PM | sell | $31.65 | $97,657.37 | 31.65 | 97,657.37 | 0.0003241 | 0x7d...1561 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:26:15 PM | sell | $20.4 | $97,699.37 | 20.4 | 97,699.37 | 0.0002089 | 0x25...853d | |
02/05/2025 | 4:26:07 PM | buy | $77.78 | $97,671.51 | 77.78 | 97,671.51 | 0.0007964 | 0xf6...0809 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:25:05 PM | buy | $28.92 | $97,577.23 | 28.92 | 97,577.23 | 0.0002964 | 0x5e...6415 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:24:39 PM | buy | $42.79 | $97,514.32 | 42.79 | 97,514.32 | 0.0004388 | 0x00...c9d6 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:24:35 PM | sell | $23.95 | $97,482.07 | 23.95 | 97,482.07 | 0.0002457 | 0x5c...17fe | |
02/05/2025 | 4:24:09 PM | buy | $18.22 | $97,506.07 | 18.22 | 97,506.07 | 0.0001869 | 0xb7...400b | |
02/05/2025 | 4:24:07 PM | buy | $13.14 | $97,477.74 | 13.14 | 97,477.74 | 0.0001348 | 0x9a...934f | |
02/05/2025 | 4:24:03 PM | sell | $25.87 | $97,467.67 | 25.87 | 97,467.67 | 0.0002654 | 0x8b...79d2 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:24:01 PM | sell | $25.91 | $97,513.1 | 25.91 | 97,513.1 | 0.0002657 | 0xa2...a32a | |
02/05/2025 | 4:23:25 PM | buy | $25.51 | $97,535.43 | 25.51 | 97,535.43 | 0.0002616 | 0x38...7fe9 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:23:21 PM | sell | $28.73 | $97,515.12 | 28.73 | 97,515.12 | 0.0002947 | 0xbe...adaa | |
02/05/2025 | 4:23:01 PM | buy | $42.5 | $97,523.22 | 42.5 | 97,523.22 | 0.0004358 | 0x82...255a | |
02/05/2025 | 4:22:25 PM | sell | $65.56 | $97,526.74 | 65.56 | 97,526.74 | 0.0006722 | 0x2b...8517 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:22:15 PM | buy | $10.2 | $97,592.93 | 10.2 | 97,592.93 | 0.0001045 | 0x8d...6b47 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:21:41 PM | sell | $33.54 | $97,595.97 | 33.54 | 97,595.97 | 0.0003437 | 0x41...88b4 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:21:13 PM | buy | $6.77 | $97,645.18 | 6.77 | 97,645.18 | 0.00006942 | 0xca...5b14 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:20:55 PM | buy | $19.83 | $97,612.69 | 19.83 | 97,612.69 | 0.0002031 | 0x8b...c7a3 | |
02/05/2025 | 4:20:47 PM | buy | $24.51 | $97,574.82 | 24.51 | 97,574.82 | 0.0002512 | 0x01...ad75 |