Info about $PAPE-BASE pair
- Pooled $PAPE:
- 986.1M
- Pooled BASE:
- $94.99M
$PAPE/BASE price stats on Base
As of February 5, 2025, the current price of $PAPE token on DEX Uniswap is $0.000001791. $PAPE price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 0 trades with trading volume of $0.00. $PAPE token contract is 0xDC915ea6Cb7AC0cadc06e4B64f465164A7dFcC83 with a market cap $1,785.93. The liquidity pool contract is 0x74298027309eAaeC7dAFA6320FC1b3363b7b14b6 with total value locked (TVL) of $3,522.22. The $PAPE/BASE trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of $PAPE/BASE now?
The current liquidity of $PAPE/BASE with the contract address 0x74298027309eAaeC7dAFA6320FC1b3363b7b14b6 is $3,522.22.
How many transactions are there in the $PAPE/BASE pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of $PAPE/BASE is 0 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 0 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the $PAPE/BASE pool in the last 24 hours?
$PAPE/BASE pool has a trading volume of $0.00 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 $PAPE to BASE?
The exchange rate of 1 $PAPE to BASE is 0.09662, captured at 7:00 PM UTC.
How much is 1 $PAPE in dollars?
The price of converting 1 $PAPE to USD is $0.000001791 today.
$PAPE-BASE price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price BASE | Maker | TXN | ||||
04/08/2024 | 5:11:35 AM | buy | $0.02202 | $0.051791 | 1,188 | 0.09662 | 12,295.25 | 0xa6...22a1 | |
04/08/2024 | 5:09:57 AM | buy | $0.01818 | $0.051756 | 1,000 | 0.09662 | 10,349.78 | 0x92...72fb | |
04/07/2024 | 11:35:57 AM | sell | $0.146 | $0.051224 | 11,457.83 | 0.09605 | 119,287.68 | 0xaf...a2ed | |
04/07/2024 | 12:04:27 AM | sell | $0.09372 | $0.069372 | 9,607.34 | 0.09607 | 100,000 | 0xa6...1dd1 | |
04/06/2024 | 3:47:57 AM | buy | $4.25 | $0.06797 | 513,485.02 | 0.09613 | 5.34M | 0x4c...1ddc | |
04/05/2024 | 8:28:25 AM | buy | $1.63 | $0.065918 | 262,875.34 | 0.09535 | 2.76M | 0x68...3f9c | |
04/05/2024 | 7:48:57 AM | sell | $3.15 | $0.065845 | 513,485.02 | 0.09503 | 5.4M | 0xcc...3c60 | |
04/05/2024 | 7:32:35 AM | buy | $3.26 | $0.06575 | 542,302.93 | 0.09558 | 5.67M | 0xb0...0c04 | |
04/05/2024 | 7:30:23 AM | buy | $3.26 | $0.065702 | 541,356.6 | 0.09449 | 5.73M | 0x46...6784 |