Info about COPI-WETH pair
- Pooled COPI:
- 19.02M
- Pooled WETH:
- $161.23
COPI/WETH price stats on Base
As of March 11, 2025, the current price of COPI token on DEX Uniswap V2 is $0.01605. COPI price is down -7.98% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 223 trades with trading volume of $20,841.06. COPI token contract is 0x0A953Dd9Fc813feFaf6015b804c9dFA0624690C0 with a market cap $729,414.83. The liquidity pool contract is 0x9E6A565C2322f8646F2653352e771738A0EE75a3 with total value locked (TVL) of $610,276.91. The COPI/WETH trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of COPI/WETH now?
The current liquidity of COPI/WETH with the contract address 0x9E6A565C2322f8646F2653352e771738A0EE75a3 is $610,276.91.
How many transactions are there in the COPI/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of COPI/WETH is 223 in the last 24 hours, 90 of which are buy transactions, and 133 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the COPI/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
COPI/WETH pool has a trading volume of $20,841.06 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 COPI to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 COPI to WETH is 0.000008485, captured at 7:33 AM UTC.
How much is 1 COPI in dollars?
The price of converting 1 COPI to USD is $0.01605 today.
COPI-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/11/2025 | 7:32:23 AM | buy | $649.45 | $0.01605 | 0.3431 | 0.058485 | 40,444.31 | 0xb8...2d0e | |
03/11/2025 | 5:45:19 AM | buy | $127.29 | $0.01597 | 0.06744 | 0.058463 | 7,969 | 0x0e...f58c | |
03/11/2025 | 5:45:17 AM | buy | $47.54 | $0.01596 | 0.02519 | 0.058458 | 2,978.18 | 0x81...1361 | |
03/11/2025 | 5:16:17 AM | sell | $20.97 | $0.01605 | 0.01098 | 0.058407 | 1,306.54 | 0x1a...d7ca | |
03/11/2025 | 5:16:13 AM | sell | $21.18 | $0.01605 | 0.01109 | 0.058408 | 1,319.61 | 0x4c...0ae4 | |
03/11/2025 | 5:16:09 AM | sell | $20.97 | $0.01605 | 0.01098 | 0.058409 | 1,306.54 | 0x00...d860 | |
03/11/2025 | 5:15:45 AM | sell | $20.96 | $0.01604 | 0.01098 | 0.05841 | 1,306.54 | 0x85...03e7 | |
03/11/2025 | 5:15:41 AM | sell | $19.74 | $0.01604 | 0.01035 | 0.058411 | 1,230.82 | 0x1f...96f9 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:42:53 AM | buy | $14.92 | $0.01574 | 0.00802 | 0.058462 | 947.7 | 0xf5...a4a4 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:42:51 AM | buy | $18.76 | $0.01574 | 0.01008 | 0.058461 | 1,191.55 | 0x3b...4fc5 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:42:49 AM | buy | $18.76 | $0.01574 | 0.01008 | 0.05846 | 1,191.7 | 0xfd...c157 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:40:25 AM | buy | $14.49 | $0.01574 | 0.007784 | 0.058459 | 920.15 | 0xa2...bd28 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:40:21 AM | buy | $14.49 | $0.01574 | 0.007784 | 0.058457 | 920.34 | 0x3d...f7e5 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:40:23 AM | buy | $16.82 | $0.01574 | 0.009037 | 0.058458 | 1,068.38 | 0xe5...1440 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:35:33 AM | buy | $13.78 | $0.01573 | 0.007406 | 0.058457 | 875.76 | 0xab...b93f | |
03/11/2025 | 3:35:29 AM | buy | $13.65 | $0.01574 | 0.007333 | 0.058456 | 867.17 | 0x96...a64f | |
03/11/2025 | 3:35:25 AM | buy | $13.65 | $0.01574 | 0.007333 | 0.058455 | 867.25 | 0xc4...4d91 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:35:23 AM | buy | $16.01 | $0.01574 | 0.008598 | 0.058454 | 1,017.02 | 0xb6...edd3 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:27:45 AM | sell | $14.07 | $0.01562 | 0.007571 | 0.058403 | 901 | 0x42...f01e | |
03/11/2025 | 3:02:45 AM | buy | $29.7 | $0.01575 | 0.01593 | 0.058454 | 1,885.42 | 0x4f...b414 |