Info about SolvBTC-cbBTC pair
- Pooled SolvBTC:
- 0.01677
- Pooled cbBTC:
- $1.41
SolvBTC/cbBTC price stats on Base
As of March 2, 2025, the current price of SolvBTC token on DEX Aerodrome is $95,240.05. SolvBTC price is up 0.07% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 35 trades with trading volume of $24,311.96. SolvBTC token contract is 0x3B86Ad95859b6AB773f55f8d94B4b9d443EE931f with a market cap $7,639,899.91. The liquidity pool contract is 0x83eE4a0d418aA520A7BC1A3782bDb445F31b8e29 with total value locked (TVL) of $136,149.18. The SolvBTC/cbBTC trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of SolvBTC/cbBTC now?
The current liquidity of SolvBTC/cbBTC with the contract address 0x83eE4a0d418aA520A7BC1A3782bDb445F31b8e29 is $136,149.18.
How many transactions are there in the SolvBTC/cbBTC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of SolvBTC/cbBTC is 35 in the last 24 hours, 23 of which are buy transactions, and 12 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the SolvBTC/cbBTC pool in the last 24 hours?
SolvBTC/cbBTC pool has a trading volume of $24,311.96 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 SolvBTC to cbBTC?
The exchange rate of 1 SolvBTC to cbBTC is 0.998, captured at 4:35 AM UTC.
How much is 1 SolvBTC in dollars?
The price of converting 1 SolvBTC to USD is $95,240.05 today.
SolvBTC-cbBTC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price cbBTC | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/02/2025 | 4:29:03 AM | buy | $19,042.6 | $95,240.05 | 0.1995 | 0.998 | 0.1999 | 0x4f...61c0 | |
03/02/2025 | 4:14:19 AM | buy | $11.12 | $95,198.38 | 0.0001165 | 0.9976 | 0.0001168 | 0x24...e598 | |
03/02/2025 | 1:49:59 AM | sell | $8.14 | $86,057.97 | 0.00009436 | 0.9972 | 0.00009461 | 0x7f...2d3c | |
03/01/2025 | 9:17:25 PM | sell | $44.52 | $95,172.53 | 0.0004666 | 0.9973 | 0.0004678 | 0x11...d47f | |
03/01/2025 | 6:48:53 PM | sell | $52.29 | $95,171.02 | 0.000548 | 0.9973 | 0.0005495 | 0xe4...0ebd | |
03/01/2025 | 4:10:53 PM | sell | $2.33 | $95,138.53 | 0.00002447 | 0.9969 | 0.00002454 | 0x4e...7b7f | |
03/01/2025 | 4:00:51 PM | sell | $0.6021 | $95,144.33 | 0.05631 | 0.997 | 0.056328 | 0x7d...9995 | |
03/01/2025 | 2:30:17 PM | buy | $12.16 | $95,197.25 | 0.0001274 | 0.9976 | 0.0001277 | 0x8d...fcc5 | |
03/01/2025 | 1:20:07 PM | sell | $0.8445 | $95,157.98 | 0.05885 | 0.9972 | 0.058874 | 0xfb...0405 | |
03/01/2025 | 11:21:27 AM | buy | $2.45 | $95,219.25 | 0.00002577 | 0.9978 | 0.00002582 | 0x2e...ad50 | |
03/01/2025 | 11:21:07 AM | buy | $2.45 | $95,219.24 | 0.00002577 | 0.9978 | 0.00002582 | 0xe0...6d12 | |
03/01/2025 | 11:12:21 AM | buy | $12.31 | $95,197.03 | 0.000129 | 0.9976 | 0.0001293 | 0x44...d051 | |
03/01/2025 | 11:11:43 AM | buy | $12.26 | $95,197.05 | 0.0001285 | 0.9976 | 0.0001288 | 0xa0...5a1e | |
03/01/2025 | 10:10:55 AM | sell | $134.37 | $95,172.41 | 0.001408 | 0.9973 | 0.001411 | 0x5b...ccd8 | |
03/01/2025 | 8:40:37 AM | buy | $64.79 | $85,001.8 | 0.0007603 | 0.9975 | 0.0007622 | 0xa6...acfa | |
03/01/2025 | 8:40:11 AM | buy | $94.96 | $85,001.78 | 0.001114 | 0.9975 | 0.001117 | 0x07...06c5 | |
03/01/2025 | 8:13:27 AM | buy | $565.96 | $95,190.93 | 0.00593 | 0.9975 | 0.005945 | 0x3b...85e2 | |
03/01/2025 | 8:11:33 AM | buy | $565.96 | $95,189.35 | 0.00593 | 0.9975 | 0.005945 | 0xb9...52d1 | |
03/01/2025 | 6:17:27 AM | buy | $0.7672 | $95,297.45 | 0.05804 | 0.9986 | 0.05805 | 0x2e...2935 | |
03/01/2025 | 6:17:21 AM | buy | $3.23 | $95,207.03 | 0.00003387 | 0.9977 | 0.00003394 | 0xfd...2412 |