Info about cdxUSD-USDC pair
- Pooled cdxUSD:
- 48.28M
- Pooled USDC:
- $1.79M
cdxUSD/USDC price stats on Base
As of January 22, 2025, the current price of cdxUSD token on DEX Aerodrome is $1. cdxUSD price is up 0.00% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 150 trades with trading volume of $137,033.43. cdxUSD token contract is 0xC0D3700000987C99b3C9009069E4f8413fD22330 with a market cap $55,429,220.06. The liquidity pool contract is 0xBBA4BcA62DC6ac976B160F4f513e517d3326759f with total value locked (TVL) of $3,571,502.83. The cdxUSD/USDC trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of cdxUSD/USDC now?
The current liquidity of cdxUSD/USDC with the contract address 0xBBA4BcA62DC6ac976B160F4f513e517d3326759f is $3,571,502.83.
How many transactions are there in the cdxUSD/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of cdxUSD/USDC is 150 in the last 24 hours, 25 of which are buy transactions, and 125 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the cdxUSD/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
cdxUSD/USDC pool has a trading volume of $137,033.43 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 cdxUSD to USDC?
The exchange rate of 1 cdxUSD to USDC is 1, captured at 4:43 AM UTC.
How much is 1 cdxUSD in dollars?
The price of converting 1 cdxUSD to USD is $1 today.
cdxUSD-USDC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/22/2025 | 4:32:23 AM | buy | $248.83 | $1 | 248.83 | 1 | 247.58 | 0x39...badc | |
01/22/2025 | 4:30:49 AM | buy | $216.1 | $1 | 216.1 | 1 | 215.01 | 0xfd...c8dd | |
01/22/2025 | 4:18:51 AM | buy | $183.05 | $1 | 183.05 | 1 | 182.13 | 0xe5...3a0b | |
01/22/2025 | 4:13:17 AM | buy | $33.29 | $1 | 33.29 | 1 | 33.13 | 0x82...2cbe | |
01/22/2025 | 4:12:25 AM | buy | $5.69 | $1 | 5.69 | 1 | 5.66 | 0x2d...32bd | |
01/22/2025 | 4:12:23 AM | buy | $228.7 | $1 | 228.7 | 1 | 227.55 | 0x7e...2ec8 | |
01/22/2025 | 4:09:05 AM | buy | $500 | $1 | 500 | 1 | 497.48 | 0x76...0097 | |
01/22/2025 | 4:07:13 AM | buy | $166.48 | $1 | 166.48 | 1 | 165.64 | 0x9b...e2d0 | |
01/22/2025 | 4:06:51 AM | buy | $3,329.72 | $1 | 3,329.72 | 1 | 3,312.94 | 0x4f...d0d1 | |
01/22/2025 | 4:06:11 AM | buy | $199.78 | $1 | 199.78 | 1 | 198.77 | 0xe6...21e5 | |
01/22/2025 | 3:59:15 AM | buy | $333 | $1 | 333 | 1 | 331.32 | 0x9d...6e24 | |
01/22/2025 | 3:58:25 AM | buy | $197.18 | $1 | 197.18 | 1 | 196.19 | 0xa0...7f95 | |
01/22/2025 | 3:58:03 AM | buy | $1,663.97 | $1 | 1,663.97 | 1 | 1,655.59 | 0x4d...52d4 | |
01/22/2025 | 3:56:33 AM | buy | $139.79 | $1 | 139.79 | 1 | 139.09 | 0x25...6ca0 | |
01/22/2025 | 3:53:45 AM | sell | $2,902.43 | $0.995 | 2,902.43 | 0.995 | 2,916.91 | 0x3c...e9a6 | |
01/22/2025 | 3:50:09 AM | buy | $133.29 | $1 | 133.29 | 1 | 132.61 | 0x9a...d63d | |
01/22/2025 | 3:33:31 AM | buy | $173.74 | $1 | 173.74 | 1 | 172.86 | 0xf0...6cee | |
01/22/2025 | 3:32:23 AM | buy | $170.39 | $1 | 170.39 | 1 | 169.53 | 0xa4...af57 | |
01/22/2025 | 3:29:37 AM | buy | $601.53 | $1 | 601.53 | 1 | 598.5 | 0x39...5a36 | |
01/22/2025 | 3:25:45 AM | buy | $49.12 | $1 | 49.12 | 1 | 48.87 | 0xd6...8c6c |