Info about XOXO-WETH pair
- Pooled XOXO:
- 0.0114258
- Pooled WETH:
- $0.0172
XOXO/WETH price stats on Base
As of March 4, 2025, the current price of XOXO token on DEX Unknown DEX is $0.00002953. XOXO price is up 48.14% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 79 trades with trading volume of $37,479.47. XOXO token contract is 0x6e980f54C0414ea2295A3671077ce2Bc7f6EBEC0 with a market cap $253,474.80. The liquidity pool contract is 0xc5507d52cf3111Ea8A4f7f0Fb337E43fE58c9BcF with total value locked (TVL) of $1.00. The XOXO/WETH trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of XOXO/WETH now?
The current liquidity of XOXO/WETH with the contract address 0xc5507d52cf3111Ea8A4f7f0Fb337E43fE58c9BcF is $1.00.
How many transactions are there in the XOXO/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of XOXO/WETH is 79 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 79 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the XOXO/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
XOXO/WETH pool has a trading volume of $37,479.47 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 XOXO to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 XOXO to WETH is 0.00000001386, captured at 1:01 AM UTC.
How much is 1 XOXO in dollars?
The price of converting 1 XOXO to USD is $0.00002953 today.
XOXO-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/03/2025 | 9:48:15 PM | buy | $176.63 | $0.00002953 | 0.0829 | 0.071386 | 5.98M | 0xf8...d6d3 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:47:53 PM | buy | $365.18 | $0.00002944 | 0.1715 | 0.071382 | 12.4M | 0x6a...8be8 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:47:29 PM | buy | $473.46 | $0.00002928 | 0.2226 | 0.071377 | 16.16M | 0x45...afc3 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:47:05 PM | buy | $869.24 | $0.00002914 | 0.4081 | 0.071368 | 29.83M | 0xda...69cf | |
03/03/2025 | 9:46:39 PM | buy | $786.33 | $0.00002896 | 0.3684 | 0.071357 | 27.14M | 0x59...7056 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:46:15 PM | buy | $206.82 | $0.00002883 | 0.0969 | 0.07135 | 7.17M | 0x72...ade6 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:45:53 PM | buy | $290.02 | $0.00002873 | 0.136 | 0.071347 | 10.09M | 0x4f...99e5 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:45:29 PM | buy | $934.01 | $0.00002857 | 0.4378 | 0.071339 | 32.69M | 0x9a...8544 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:45:09 PM | buy | $570.79 | $0.0000284 | 0.2672 | 0.071329 | 20.1M | 0x8f...cdfa | |
03/03/2025 | 9:44:49 PM | buy | $557.76 | $0.00002824 | 0.2611 | 0.071322 | 19.75M | 0x70...b3f3 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:44:25 PM | buy | $922.08 | $0.00002805 | 0.4315 | 0.071312 | 32.87M | 0x6f...917d | |
03/03/2025 | 9:44:03 PM | buy | $307.71 | $0.00002788 | 0.144 | 0.071304 | 11.04M | 0x3b...9b7a | |
03/03/2025 | 9:43:41 PM | buy | $81.67 | $0.00002784 | 0.0382 | 0.071302 | 2.93M | 0xe8...4ca1 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:43:21 PM | buy | $129.77 | $0.00002781 | 0.0607 | 0.0713 | 4.67M | 0x02...4d84 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:43:01 PM | buy | $394.02 | $0.00002774 | 0.1843 | 0.071297 | 14.2M | 0x31...b941 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:42:39 PM | buy | $679.26 | $0.00002761 | 0.3175 | 0.07129 | 24.6M | 0xc3...bf64 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:42:19 PM | buy | $486.99 | $0.00002749 | 0.2273 | 0.071283 | 17.71M | 0x45...82c4 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:41:53 PM | buy | $892.58 | $0.00002757 | 0.4125 | 0.071274 | 32.37M | 0x30...4079 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:41:31 PM | buy | $233.32 | $0.00002715 | 0.1089 | 0.071267 | 8.59M | 0x2a...7aa3 | |
03/03/2025 | 9:41:07 PM | buy | $258.55 | $0.00002706 | 0.1208 | 0.071264 | 9.55M | 0xb1...205c |