Info about DATAFI-WETH pair
- Pooled DATAFI:
- 3.77B
- Pooled WETH:
- $78.92
DATAFI/WETH price stats on Base
As of January 16, 2025, the current price of DATAFI token on DEX Unknown DEX is $0.00007009. DATAFI price is up 147% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 204 trades with trading volume of $113,077.71. DATAFI token contract is 0x0443Be3eC6FD4D0Aa332f2B451b5e8c5D66C9D51 with a market cap $462,034.33. The liquidity pool contract is 0xDFbDF49917A335C1Bec518e424c4ac96aeee020f with total value locked (TVL) of $527,980.15. The DATAFI/WETH trading pair operates on Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of DATAFI/WETH now?
The current liquidity of DATAFI/WETH with the contract address 0xDFbDF49917A335C1Bec518e424c4ac96aeee020f is $527,980.15.
How many transactions are there in the DATAFI/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of DATAFI/WETH is 204 in the last 24 hours, 203 of which are buy transactions, and 1 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the DATAFI/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
DATAFI/WETH pool has a trading volume of $113,077.71 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 DATAFI to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 DATAFI to WETH is 0.00000002095, captured at 9:14 PM UTC.
How much is 1 DATAFI in dollars?
The price of converting 1 DATAFI to USD is $0.00007009 today.
DATAFI-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/16/2025 | 8:12:27 PM | buy | $457 | $0.00007009 | 0.1366 | 0.072095 | 6.52M | 0x05...6fb8 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:12:09 PM | buy | $580.76 | $0.00006973 | 0.1738 | 0.072087 | 8.33M | 0xef...9583 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:11:49 PM | buy | $121.21 | $0.00006955 | 0.03628 | 0.072081 | 1.74M | 0x4d...2b52 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:11:31 PM | buy | $106.85 | $0.0000695 | 0.03198 | 0.07208 | 1.54M | 0xa4...8ce8 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:11:13 PM | buy | $255.45 | $0.00006941 | 0.07644 | 0.072077 | 3.68M | 0x6b...0397 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:10:53 PM | buy | $304.2 | $0.00006927 | 0.09102 | 0.072072 | 4.39M | 0x60...bd47 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:10:35 PM | buy | $47.84 | $0.00006925 | 0.0143 | 0.072069 | 690,835.53 | 0x98...f51b | |
01/16/2025 | 8:10:17 PM | buy | $863.61 | $0.00006901 | 0.2581 | 0.072062 | 12.51M | 0xdd...ee05 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:09:55 PM | buy | $166.17 | $0.00006873 | 0.04967 | 0.072054 | 2.42M | 0xec...a278 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:09:37 PM | buy | $595.1 | $0.00006853 | 0.1778 | 0.072048 | 8.68M | 0x60...fd1e | |
01/16/2025 | 8:09:19 PM | buy | $776.69 | $0.00006817 | 0.2321 | 0.072037 | 11.39M | 0xba...ca3d | |
01/16/2025 | 8:09:03 PM | buy | $469.45 | $0.00006784 | 0.1403 | 0.072028 | 6.92M | 0xd7...52f9 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:08:43 PM | buy | $802.3 | $0.00006751 | 0.2398 | 0.072018 | 11.88M | 0x50...b1b2 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:08:25 PM | buy | $772.5 | $0.00006703 | 0.2311 | 0.072006 | 11.52M | 0x78...4602 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:08:05 PM | buy | $298.11 | $0.00006675 | 0.08921 | 0.071997 | 4.47M | 0xfa...9a7f | |
01/16/2025 | 8:07:49 PM | buy | $795.93 | $0.00006647 | 0.2381 | 0.071989 | 11.97M | 0x76...2d9a | |
01/16/2025 | 8:07:31 PM | buy | $416.48 | $0.00006616 | 0.1246 | 0.071979 | 6.29M | 0xaf...3a92 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:07:15 PM | buy | $914.09 | $0.00006591 | 0.2731 | 0.071969 | 13.87M | 0x3c...748f | |
01/16/2025 | 8:06:55 PM | buy | $743.82 | $0.00006548 | 0.2222 | 0.071956 | 11.36M | 0x16...4c67 | |
01/16/2025 | 8:06:37 PM | buy | $523.6 | $0.00006515 | 0.1564 | 0.071947 | 8.04M | 0x0a...e21b |