OEC BTC, also known as Open Economy Chain Bitcoin, is a decentralized digital currency that operates on a peer-to-peer network. It eliminates the need for intermediaries like banks, enabling direct and secure transactions between users. All transactions are recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain, ensuring transparency and verifiability. The limited supply of OEC BTC, similar to Bitcoin, gives it inherent value and protects against inflation. Transactions are fast and low-cost, as they don't require third-party verification. OEC BTC provides users with greater financial autonomy, allowing them to control their funds and transact without needing permission from financial institutions, promoting financial inclusion.
截至 2025年3月14日,BTCK 代幣在 DEX 市場上的當前價格為 US$82,515,總 DEX 流動性 TVL 為 US$0。BTCK 代幣在 0 條區塊鏈上交易,並且在 0 個去中心化交易所(DEX)上交易。過去 24 小時內的總 DEX 交易歷史包括 0 筆交易(TXNS),交易量為 US$0.00。
OEC BTC (BTCK) 的 DEX 每日交易量是多少?
BTCK 代幣在所有 DEX 交易所的 24 小時總交易量為 US$0.00。
OEC BTC (BTCK) 的 DEX TVL(總鎖倉價值)是多少?
OEC BTC (BTCK) 的 DEX TVL 在過去 24 小時為 US$0。
BTCK 代幣是在哪條區塊鏈上發行的?
OEC BTC BTCK 代幣是發行在 上。
1 USD 對 BTCK 的匯率是多少?
截至 上午5:40 [UTC],1 BTCK 兌換 USD 的 DEX 匯率為 US$82,515。
我可以用 1 USD 購買多少 BTCK?
根據 DEX 當前匯率,你可以用 1 USD 購買 0.0000121190086650912 BTCK。