What is Bitget Token (BGB)?
The Bitget Token (BGB) is a cryptocurrency token associated with the Bitget exchange. It offers exclusive perks to holders, such as discounted trading fees and other benefits within the Bitget platform. BGB is a utility-type token and is not considered a financial derivative. It is used to provide various advantages to its holders within the Bitget ecosystem, and it is actively traded on the Bitget exchange.
Bitget Token (BGB) price statistics
As of February 3, 2025, the current price of the BGB token on DEX markets is $6.42, with a total DEX liquidity TVL of $0. The BGB token trades on 0 blockchains and 0 DEX (decentralized exchanges). The total DEX trading history for the last 24 hours includes 0 trades (TXNS) with a trading volume of $0.00.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the DEX daily trading volume of Bitget Token (BGB)?
The total 24-hours trading volume on all DEX exchanges for BGB token is $0.00.
What is the DEX TVL (Total Value Locked) of Bitget Token (BGB)?
The total DEX TVL of Bitget Token (BGB) is $0 in the last 24 hours.
What blockchain is the token BGB launched on?
The Bitget Token BGB token is launched on the .
What is the exchange rate of 1 USD to BGB?
DEX exchange rate of 1 BGB to USD is $6.42 as of 9:04 PM UTC.
How much BGB can I purchase with 1 USD?
Based on DEX current exchange rate, you can buy 0.1557632398753894 BGB for 1 USD.