Info about WETH-USDC.e pair
- Pooled WETH:
- 302.05
- Pooled USDC.e:
- $627,824.19
WETH/USDC.e price stats on zkSync
As of March 4, 2025, the current price of WETH token on DEX SpaceFi is $2,084.77. WETH price is down -12.51% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 1058 trades with trading volume of $195,279.98. WETH token contract is 0x5AEa5775959fBC2557Cc8789bC1bf90A239D9a91 with a market cap $40,015,694.76. The liquidity pool contract is 0xD0cE094412898760C2A5e37AbeC39b0E785b45aE with total value locked (TVL) of $1,255,648.39. The WETH/USDC.e trading pair operates on zkSync.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of WETH/USDC.e now?
The current liquidity of WETH/USDC.e with the contract address 0xD0cE094412898760C2A5e37AbeC39b0E785b45aE is $1,255,648.39.
How many transactions are there in the WETH/USDC.e pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of WETH/USDC.e is 1058 in the last 24 hours, 618 of which are buy transactions, and 440 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the WETH/USDC.e pool in the last 24 hours?
WETH/USDC.e pool has a trading volume of $195,279.98 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 WETH to USDC.e?
The exchange rate of 1 WETH to USDC.e is 2,084.77, captured at 7:59 AM UTC.
How much is 1 WETH in dollars?
The price of converting 1 WETH to USD is $2,084.77 today.
WETH-USDC.e price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC.e | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/04/2025 | 7:32:03 AM | buy | $3.27 | $2,084.77 | 3.27 | 2,084.77 | 0.00157 | 0xf2...2ef7 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:31:55 AM | buy | $104.06 | $2,084.41 | 104.06 | 2,084.41 | 0.04992 | 0xc9...9191 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:31:42 AM | buy | $103.8 | $2,083.73 | 103.8 | 2,083.73 | 0.04981 | 0xe8...a77f | |
03/04/2025 | 7:31:38 AM | buy | $104.39 | $2,083.04 | 104.39 | 2,083.04 | 0.05011 | 0x65...f83a | |
03/04/2025 | 7:31:10 AM | buy | $94.76 | $2,082.38 | 94.76 | 2,082.38 | 0.0455 | 0xf1...388c | |
03/04/2025 | 7:29:57 AM | buy | $0.2695 | $2,082.06 | 0.2695 | 2,082.06 | 0.0001294 | 0xc0...7599 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:27:11 AM | buy | $120.69 | $2,081.66 | 120.69 | 2,081.66 | 0.05798 | 0x5a...ee93 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:26:50 AM | buy | $62.54 | $2,081.05 | 62.54 | 2,081.05 | 0.03005 | 0x47...2a61 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:20:48 AM | sell | $595.6 | $2,070.35 | 595.6 | 2,070.35 | 0.2876 | 0x36...cc5b | |
03/04/2025 | 7:20:47 AM | sell | $278.37 | $2,073.24 | 278.37 | 2,073.24 | 0.1342 | 0x5b...4976 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:15:16 AM | sell | $425.07 | $2,075.56 | 425.07 | 2,075.56 | 0.2048 | 0x54...345c | |
03/04/2025 | 7:10:19 AM | sell | $207.76 | $2,077.66 | 207.76 | 2,077.66 | 0.1 | 0x71...936b | |
03/04/2025 | 7:10:17 AM | sell | $600.56 | $2,080.34 | 600.56 | 2,080.34 | 0.2886 | 0xfc...51ba | |
03/04/2025 | 7:10:16 AM | sell | $129.27 | $2,082.75 | 129.27 | 2,082.75 | 0.06206 | 0x93...1804 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:09:54 AM | sell | $168.84 | $2,083.74 | 168.84 | 2,083.74 | 0.08102 | 0xc9...c558 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:09:35 AM | sell | $104.23 | $2,084.64 | 104.23 | 2,084.64 | 0.05 | 0xfa...6eb1 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:09:17 AM | sell | $208.56 | $2,085.68 | 208.56 | 2,085.68 | 0.1 | 0x2d...ba00 | |
03/04/2025 | 7:09:10 AM | sell | $209.65 | $2,087.07 | 209.65 | 2,087.07 | 0.1004 | 0xaf...278b | |
03/04/2025 | 7:09:09 AM | sell | $179.3 | $2,088.36 | 179.3 | 2,088.36 | 0.08585 | 0x05...ba8b | |
03/04/2025 | 7:08:47 AM | sell | $104.46 | $2,089.3 | 104.46 | 2,089.3 | 0.05 | 0x2d...cdae |