Info about RNDR-WMATIC pair
- Pooled RNDR:
- 39,646.61
- Pooled WMATIC:
- $452,436.24
RNDR/WMATIC price stats on Polygon
As of January 31, 2025, the current price of RNDR token on DEX Uniswap V3 is $5.91. RNDR price is up 8.03% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 536 trades with trading volume of $184,068.91. RNDR token contract is 0x61299774020dA444Af134c82fa83E3810b309991 with a market cap $10,400,088.63. The liquidity pool contract is 0xC4C06C9a239f94fC0A1d3E04D23c159ebE8316f1 with total value locked (TVL) of $421,061.28. The RNDR/WMATIC trading pair operates on Polygon.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of RNDR/WMATIC now?
The current liquidity of RNDR/WMATIC with the contract address 0xC4C06C9a239f94fC0A1d3E04D23c159ebE8316f1 is $421,061.28.
How many transactions are there in the RNDR/WMATIC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of RNDR/WMATIC is 536 in the last 24 hours, 320 of which are buy transactions, and 216 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the RNDR/WMATIC pool in the last 24 hours?
RNDR/WMATIC pool has a trading volume of $184,068.91 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 RNDR to WMATIC?
The exchange rate of 1 RNDR to WMATIC is 14.34, captured at 12:11 AM UTC.
How much is 1 RNDR in dollars?
The price of converting 1 RNDR to USD is $5.91 today.
RNDR-WMATIC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WMATIC | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/31/2025 | 12:08:40 AM | buy | $163.11 | $5.91 | 395.51 | 14.34 | 27.58 | 0x6a...ac1d | |
01/30/2025 | 11:51:18 PM | sell | $0.08807 | $5.89 | 0.213 | 14.25 | 0.01494 | 0xff...d0b9 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:51:18 PM | sell | $58.58 | $5.89 | 141.69 | 14.25 | 9.94 | 0xec...d8f0 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:48:48 PM | buy | $42.13 | $5.93 | 101.79 | 14.33 | 7.09 | 0xc3...7a2d | |
01/30/2025 | 11:48:44 PM | sell | $168.41 | $5.9 | 406.86 | 14.25 | 28.54 | 0x1e...9a2f | |
01/30/2025 | 11:48:36 PM | sell | $806.54 | $5.9 | 1,948.48 | 14.26 | 136.63 | 0xe0...b2ed | |
01/30/2025 | 11:48:36 PM | sell | $94.41 | $5.9 | 228.09 | 14.25 | 16 | 0xae...ae46 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:48:34 PM | sell | $132.73 | $5.9 | 320.67 | 14.26 | 22.47 | 0x3a...00df | |
01/30/2025 | 11:48:30 PM | sell | $288.48 | $5.9 | 696.94 | 14.26 | 48.84 | 0xf7...5155 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:47:48 PM | sell | $47.25 | $5.9 | 114.15 | 14.26 | 8 | 0x94...70d7 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:47:48 PM | sell | $231.84 | $5.9 | 560.04 | 14.27 | 39.24 | 0x1f...1ec3 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:47:44 PM | sell | $194.02 | $5.9 | 468.69 | 14.27 | 32.83 | 0x7d...f0a2 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:47:42 PM | sell | $47.27 | $5.9 | 114.19 | 14.27 | 8 | 0x47...bdd3 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:47:40 PM | sell | $1,536.76 | $5.91 | 3,712.29 | 14.28 | 259.92 | 0xef...b043 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:47:36 PM | buy | $3,754.13 | $5.94 | 9,068.68 | 14.35 | 631.66 | 0x48...d5ee | |
01/30/2025 | 11:38:44 PM | buy | $787.22 | $5.93 | 1,900 | 14.33 | 132.55 | 0xc5...2eb5 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:06:54 PM | buy | $799.85 | $5.94 | 1,927.95 | 14.32 | 134.58 | 0xb3...7d60 | |
01/30/2025 | 11:03:12 PM | buy | $13.46 | $5.94 | 32.44 | 14.32 | 2.26 | 0x65...f16c | |
01/30/2025 | 10:43:28 PM | buy | $90.52 | $5.93 | 218.28 | 14.32 | 15.24 | 0x41...3f4f | |
01/30/2025 | 10:40:14 PM | buy | $324.61 | $5.93 | 782.75 | 14.31 | 54.66 | 0x7e...08f3 |