Info about maAAVE-QUICK pair
- Pooled maAAVE:
- 13.25
- Pooled QUICK:
- $85.47
maAAVE/QUICK price stats on Polygon
As of March 13, 2025, the current price of maAAVE token on DEX Quickswap is $173.38. maAAVE price is down -8.15% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 24 trades with trading volume of $60.03. maAAVE token contract is 0x823CD4264C1b951C9209aD0DeAea9988fE8429bF with a market cap $36,813.81. The liquidity pool contract is 0x6583dD93f9060A919E2b3F1875985d606d0eDdfb with total value locked (TVL) of $4,584.03. The maAAVE/QUICK trading pair operates on Polygon.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of maAAVE/QUICK now?
The current liquidity of maAAVE/QUICK with the contract address 0x6583dD93f9060A919E2b3F1875985d606d0eDdfb is $4,584.03.
How many transactions are there in the maAAVE/QUICK pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of maAAVE/QUICK is 24 in the last 24 hours, 24 of which are buy transactions, and 0 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the maAAVE/QUICK pool in the last 24 hours?
maAAVE/QUICK pool has a trading volume of $60.03 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 maAAVE to QUICK?
The exchange rate of 1 maAAVE to QUICK is 6.46, captured at 9:39 PM UTC.
How much is 1 maAAVE in dollars?
The price of converting 1 maAAVE to USD is $173.38 today.
maAAVE-QUICK price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price QUICK | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/13/2025 | 5:59:00 PM | buy | $0.1207 | $173.38 | 0.004503 | 6.46 | 0.0006965 | 0xf4...c0ca | |
03/13/2025 | 5:55:04 PM | buy | $2.28 | $173.2 | 0.08509 | 6.45 | 0.01317 | 0x09...2298 | |
03/13/2025 | 5:20:00 PM | buy | $3.12 | $173.84 | 0.1157 | 6.44 | 0.01796 | 0x38...87ad | |
03/13/2025 | 8:26:23 AM | buy | $2.26 | $177.12 | 0.08217 | 6.42 | 0.01278 | 0xd8...9764 | |
03/13/2025 | 12:46:40 AM | buy | $2.81 | $177.24 | 0.1019 | 6.41 | 0.01588 | 0x0a...5007 | |
03/13/2025 | 12:45:20 AM | buy | $2.28 | $177.87 | 0.08239 | 6.4 | 0.01287 | 0x35...b4bf | |
03/13/2025 | 12:43:42 AM | buy | $2.82 | $178.12 | 0.1013 | 6.38 | 0.01587 | 0xc1...c558 | |
03/13/2025 | 12:42:06 AM | buy | $2.55 | $178.69 | 0.091 | 6.37 | 0.01428 | 0xac...adf0 | |
03/13/2025 | 12:41:16 AM | buy | $3.06 | $179.27 | 0.1086 | 6.35 | 0.01708 | 0xb9...5d93 | |
03/13/2025 | 12:40:12 AM | buy | $2.27 | $180.16 | 0.08015 | 6.34 | 0.01263 | 0x8e...bd9a | |
03/13/2025 | 12:38:14 AM | buy | $2.86 | $180.66 | 0.1003 | 6.33 | 0.01584 | 0x4b...a8c2 | |
03/13/2025 | 12:36:32 AM | buy | $2.35 | $181.19 | 0.08195 | 6.31 | 0.01297 | 0x64...b7a7 | |
03/13/2025 | 12:34:20 AM | buy | $2.56 | $181.97 | 0.08869 | 6.3 | 0.01406 | 0x59...03bb | |
03/12/2025 | 7:37:00 PM | buy | $2.22 | $182.37 | 0.0767 | 6.29 | 0.01219 | 0x0b...4f3a | |
03/12/2025 | 7:03:31 PM | buy | $3.54 | $182.01 | 0.1221 | 6.27 | 0.01946 | 0x0c...88d6 | |
03/12/2025 | 6:22:03 PM | buy | $2.11 | $182.62 | 0.0725 | 6.26 | 0.01157 | 0xd3...d235 | |
03/12/2025 | 6:21:57 PM | buy | $3 | $182.17 | 0.1029 | 6.24 | 0.01647 | 0x9b...6383 | |
03/12/2025 | 6:10:41 PM | buy | $2.06 | $184.23 | 0.06987 | 6.23 | 0.0112 | 0x2c...d644 | |
03/12/2025 | 6:09:03 PM | buy | $2.71 | $185.04 | 0.0913 | 6.22 | 0.01466 | 0x0b...c028 | |
03/12/2025 | 6:08:47 PM | buy | $2.77 | $185.36 | 0.09295 | 6.21 | 0.01496 | 0x3d...35f3 |