Info about PZAP-WMATIC pair
- Pooled PZAP:
- 1.03M
- Pooled WMATIC:
- $7,102.61
PZAP/WMATIC price stats on Polygon
As of March 12, 2025, the current price of PZAP token on DEX PolyZap is $0.001495. PZAP price is up 0.35% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 61 trades with trading volume of $147.71. PZAP token contract is 0xeb2778f74E5ee038E67AA6c77f0F0451ABd748FD with a market cap $21,134.29. The liquidity pool contract is 0xf627E14c318045066dAe0A36997c8C1F34fC0D4c with total value locked (TVL) of $3,085.08. The PZAP/WMATIC trading pair operates on Polygon.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of PZAP/WMATIC now?
The current liquidity of PZAP/WMATIC with the contract address 0xf627E14c318045066dAe0A36997c8C1F34fC0D4c is $3,085.08.
How many transactions are there in the PZAP/WMATIC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of PZAP/WMATIC is 61 in the last 24 hours, 30 of which are buy transactions, and 31 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the PZAP/WMATIC pool in the last 24 hours?
PZAP/WMATIC pool has a trading volume of $147.71 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 PZAP to WMATIC?
The exchange rate of 1 PZAP to WMATIC is 0.006884, captured at 11:16 AM UTC.
How much is 1 PZAP in dollars?
The price of converting 1 PZAP to USD is $0.001495 today.
PZAP-WMATIC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WMATIC | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/12/2025 | 11:13:14 AM | sell | $1.97 | $0.001495 | 9.08 | 0.006884 | 1,319.47 | 0x0d...f74e | |
03/12/2025 | 9:29:42 AM | buy | $2.75 | $0.001489 | 12.8 | 0.006915 | 1,851.28 | 0xa2...8031 | |
03/12/2025 | 9:20:00 AM | buy | $3.37 | $0.001489 | 15.6 | 0.006891 | 2,264.74 | 0x4a...97fc | |
03/12/2025 | 9:06:46 AM | sell | $2.8 | $0.001498 | 12.82 | 0.00685 | 1,871.58 | 0x73...2794 | |
03/12/2025 | 8:52:34 AM | sell | $1.89 | $0.001497 | 8.68 | 0.006871 | 1,264.25 | 0xa8...e602 | |
03/12/2025 | 8:47:48 AM | sell | $2.08 | $0.001496 | 9.6 | 0.006889 | 1,394.03 | 0xdf...4ceb | |
03/12/2025 | 8:45:44 AM | sell | $0.97 | $0.001496 | 4.47 | 0.006902 | 648.15 | 0xaf...170e | |
03/12/2025 | 8:14:56 AM | sell | $3.45 | $0.001495 | 15.97 | 0.006922 | 2,307.11 | 0xd6...2f1d | |
03/12/2025 | 7:55:40 AM | sell | $1.57 | $0.001491 | 7.34 | 0.006945 | 1,057.4 | 0x9f...1d4b | |
03/12/2025 | 7:35:08 AM | sell | $1.37 | $0.00149 | 6.42 | 0.006958 | 923.67 | 0x0d...9174 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:29:37 AM | sell | $1.5 | $0.001489 | 7.04 | 0.006972 | 1,010.35 | 0x4b...ad17 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:06:43 AM | sell | $1.95 | $0.00149 | 9.14 | 0.006987 | 1,309.17 | 0x2a...fa39 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:04:51 AM | sell | $2.04 | $0.00149 | 9.61 | 0.007006 | 1,372.15 | 0xb1...ae8a | |
03/12/2025 | 6:59:19 AM | sell | $0.8032 | $0.001485 | 3.79 | 0.007019 | 540.79 | 0xd6...3421 | |
03/12/2025 | 6:21:39 AM | sell | $0.925 | $0.001483 | 4.38 | 0.007027 | 623.4 | 0xb0...2cca | |
03/12/2025 | 4:06:11 AM | buy | $2.69 | $0.001482 | 12.8 | 0.007054 | 1,814.71 | 0x3c...93ab | |
03/12/2025 | 3:58:49 AM | buy | $1.57 | $0.001484 | 7.44 | 0.007034 | 1,057.97 | 0xed...27a9 | |
03/12/2025 | 3:53:15 AM | buy | $1.47 | $0.001485 | 6.97 | 0.00702 | 993.05 | 0x03...23d4 | |
03/12/2025 | 3:38:17 AM | buy | $2.71 | $0.001486 | 12.8 | 0.007001 | 1,828.32 | 0x5f...1d0b | |
03/12/2025 | 3:19:17 AM | buy | $0.8291 | $0.001485 | 3.89 | 0.006984 | 558.13 | 0x62...0472 |