Info about QUICK-WMATIC pair
- Pooled QUICK:
- 23.61
- Pooled WMATIC:
- $2,066.41
QUICK/WMATIC price stats on Polygon
As of January 15, 2025, the current price of QUICK token on DEX Bamboo DeFi is $42.02. QUICK price is up 5.22% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 9 trades with trading volume of $9.45. QUICK token contract is 0x831753DD7087CaC61aB5644b308642cc1c33Dc13 with a market cap $40,214,643.36. The liquidity pool contract is 0xF6efCB97626A7fa0Bf455cE3f808b36e18df634d with total value locked (TVL) of $1,987.89. The QUICK/WMATIC trading pair operates on Polygon.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of QUICK/WMATIC now?
The current liquidity of QUICK/WMATIC with the contract address 0xF6efCB97626A7fa0Bf455cE3f808b36e18df634d is $1,987.89.
How many transactions are there in the QUICK/WMATIC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of QUICK/WMATIC is 9 in the last 24 hours, 8 of which are buy transactions, and 1 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the QUICK/WMATIC pool in the last 24 hours?
QUICK/WMATIC pool has a trading volume of $9.45 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 QUICK to WMATIC?
The exchange rate of 1 QUICK to WMATIC is 87.36, captured at 4:22 PM UTC.
How much is 1 QUICK in dollars?
The price of converting 1 QUICK to USD is $42.02 today.
QUICK-WMATIC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WMATIC | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/15/2025 | 4:11:04 PM | sell | $1.59 | $42.02 | 3.32 | 87.36 | 0.03802 | 0x10...72b1 | |
01/15/2025 | 3:24:45 PM | sell | $1.72 | $41.67 | 3.62 | 87.66 | 0.04137 | 0xfd...d00b | |
01/15/2025 | 2:47:33 PM | sell | $0.481 | $41.15 | 1.02 | 87.85 | 0.01168 | 0x81...4eb7 | |
01/15/2025 | 2:43:45 PM | sell | $0.8591 | $41.18 | 1.83 | 87.98 | 0.02086 | 0x84...a674 | |
01/15/2025 | 1:35:09 PM | sell | $1.76 | $40.77 | 3.81 | 88.22 | 0.04323 | 0x7d...5bf0 | |
01/15/2025 | 12:37:37 PM | sell | $0.691 | $39.64 | 1.54 | 88.44 | 0.01742 | 0x00...a2f9 | |
01/15/2025 | 9:38:44 AM | buy | $0.4706 | $40.49 | 1.03 | 89.01 | 0.01162 | 0xc5...16ed | |
01/14/2025 | 6:09:03 PM | sell | $0.851 | $40.13 | 1.87 | 88.5 | 0.0212 | 0xa4...7bd6 | |
01/14/2025 | 5:12:25 PM | sell | $1 | $39.93 | 2.23 | 88.68 | 0.02524 | 0x10...b6bb | |
01/14/2025 | 2:20:39 PM | sell | $0.1831 | $39.83 | 0.4082 | 88.79 | 0.004598 | 0xe0...c86c | |
01/14/2025 | 12:50:40 PM | sell | $0.6358 | $39.67 | 1.42 | 88.87 | 0.01602 | 0xda...e3ff | |
01/14/2025 | 10:10:50 AM | buy | $1.86 | $40.1 | 4.14 | 89.29 | 0.04644 | 0xce...1e1b | |
01/14/2025 | 6:05:24 AM | buy | $0.392 | $39.27 | 0.889 | 89.07 | 0.00998 | 0xb9...2023 | |
01/14/2025 | 4:52:01 AM | sell | $1.91 | $39.25 | 4.33 | 88.69 | 0.04889 | 0xc0...a817 | |
01/14/2025 | 2:36:49 AM | sell | $0.3571 | $39.35 | 0.8069 | 88.9 | 0.009076 | 0x3f...83b7 | |
01/14/2025 | 12:08:03 AM | buy | $1.87 | $39.22 | 4.27 | 89.29 | 0.04784 | 0xc7...e2b2 | |
01/13/2025 | 8:20:07 PM | buy | $2.2 | $37.56 | 5.21 | 88.89 | 0.05867 | 0x97...4584 | |
01/13/2025 | 7:33:22 PM | buy | $0.3948 | $37.4 | 0.9354 | 88.62 | 0.01055 | 0x0c...43f2 | |
01/13/2025 | 7:33:16 PM | sell | $1.14 | $37.36 | 2.71 | 88.52 | 0.03062 | 0x96...c97c | |
01/13/2025 | 7:33:18 PM | sell | $1.76 | $37.23 | 4.17 | 88.23 | 0.04732 | 0x21...a8ef |