Info about WXDAI-USDC pair
- Pooled WXDAI:
- 15,301
- Pooled USDC:
- $15,278.63
WXDAI/USDC price stats on Gnosis
As of March 27, 2025, the current price of WXDAI token on DEX Honey Swap is $1. WXDAI price is down -0.12% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 10 trades with trading volume of $30.77. WXDAI token contract is 0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d with a market cap $87,217,750.00. The liquidity pool contract is 0x01F4A4D82a4c1CF12EB2Dadc35fD87A14526cc79 with total value locked (TVL) of $30,557.27. The WXDAI/USDC trading pair operates on Gnosis.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of WXDAI/USDC now?
The current liquidity of WXDAI/USDC with the contract address 0x01F4A4D82a4c1CF12EB2Dadc35fD87A14526cc79 is $30,557.27.
How many transactions are there in the WXDAI/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of WXDAI/USDC is 10 in the last 24 hours, 2 of which are buy transactions, and 8 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the WXDAI/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
WXDAI/USDC pool has a trading volume of $30.77 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 WXDAI to USDC?
The exchange rate of 1 WXDAI to USDC is 1, captured at 1:42 PM UTC.
How much is 1 WXDAI in dollars?
The price of converting 1 WXDAI to USD is $1 today.
WXDAI-USDC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/27/2025 | 12:44:15 PM | buy | $0.004543 | $1 | 0.004543 | 1 | 0.004536 | 0x26...6a9b | |
03/27/2025 | 12:16:20 PM | sell | $0.000478 | $0.9942 | 0.000478 | 0.9942 | 0.0004807 | 0xf1...6373 | |
03/27/2025 | 11:59:40 AM | buy | $0.1102 | $1 | 0.1102 | 1 | 0.11 | 0xe4...cd6f | |
03/27/2025 | 2:50:40 AM | buy | $0.3601 | $1 | 0.3601 | 1 | 0.3595 | 0x13...140e | |
03/27/2025 | 2:50:30 AM | buy | $0.3195 | $1 | 0.3195 | 1 | 0.319 | 0xeb...5b68 | |
03/26/2025 | 11:48:40 PM | buy | $8.07 | $1 | 8.07 | 1 | 8.06 | 0x44...ccd6 | |
03/26/2025 | 11:48:35 PM | buy | $0.01413 | $1 | 0.01413 | 1 | 0.01412 | 0x8d...bf3c | |
03/26/2025 | 11:48:20 PM | buy | $1.97 | $1 | 1.97 | 1 | 1.97 | 0x3d...45d4 | |
03/26/2025 | 11:37:25 PM | sell | $19.9 | $0.9954 | 19.9 | 0.9954 | 20 | 0xaf...bbb7 | |
03/26/2025 | 5:48:10 PM | buy | $0.009991 | $1 | 0.009991 | 1 | 0.009963 | 0x08...8f82 | |
03/26/2025 | 11:22:20 AM | buy | $0.21 | $1 | 0.21 | 1 | 0.2094 | 0x8b...4864 | |
03/26/2025 | 11:21:55 AM | buy | $0.21 | $1 | 0.21 | 1 | 0.2094 | 0xeb...3f31 | |
03/26/2025 | 7:01:00 AM | buy | $14.25 | $1 | 14.25 | 1 | 14.22 | 0xff...319e | |
03/26/2025 | 7:00:35 AM | buy | $0.01536 | $1 | 0.01536 | 1 | 0.01534 | 0x85...0a87 | |
03/26/2025 | 6:57:35 AM | buy | $0.185 | $1 | 0.185 | 1 | 0.1848 | 0x23...1f24 | |
03/25/2025 | 9:32:45 PM | buy | $0.02 | $1 | 0.02 | 1 | 0.01999 | 0xce...9657 | |
03/25/2025 | 8:28:00 PM | buy | $0.009962 | $1 | 0.009962 | 1 | 0.009954 | 0xd6...0ce1 | |
03/25/2025 | 6:53:40 PM | buy | $0.09965 | $1 | 0.09965 | 1 | 0.09958 | 0xc0...057b | |
03/25/2025 | 6:52:45 PM | sell | $19.17 | $0.9947 | 19.17 | 0.9947 | 19.27 | 0x25...c8b0 | |
03/25/2025 | 6:52:45 PM | buy | $9.62 | $1 | 9.62 | 1 | 9.62 | 0x33...4009 |