Info about LIQR-WFTM pair
- Pooled LIQR:
- 449.35M
- Pooled WFTM:
- $133,834.99
LIQR/WFTM price stats on Fantom
As of March 4, 2025, the current price of LIQR token on DEX Spooky Swap is $0.0001586. LIQR price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 1 trades with trading volume of $0.01. LIQR token contract is 0x33333ee26a7d02e41c33828B42Fb1E0889143477 with a market cap $147,083.04. The liquidity pool contract is 0x6ab8F048E193A1649430D6dd7d9a3Ceb935E7F3c with total value locked (TVL) of $142,253.23. The LIQR/WFTM trading pair operates on Fantom.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of LIQR/WFTM now?
The current liquidity of LIQR/WFTM with the contract address 0x6ab8F048E193A1649430D6dd7d9a3Ceb935E7F3c is $142,253.23.
How many transactions are there in the LIQR/WFTM pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of LIQR/WFTM is 1 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 1 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the LIQR/WFTM pool in the last 24 hours?
LIQR/WFTM pool has a trading volume of $0.01 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 LIQR to WFTM?
The exchange rate of 1 LIQR to WFTM is 0.0002984, captured at 4:10 AM UTC.
How much is 1 LIQR in dollars?
The price of converting 1 LIQR to USD is $0.0001586 today.
LIQR-WFTM price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WFTM | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/04/2025 | 3:07:15 AM | buy | $0.005713 | $0.0001586 | 0.01075 | 0.0002984 | 36.02 | 0x5a...978a | |
02/28/2025 | 11:39:49 AM | sell | $0.007307 | $0.000189 | 0.01148 | 0.0002972 | 38.64 | 0xfe...660e | |
02/27/2025 | 9:59:18 PM | sell | $5.47 | $0.0002061 | 7.89 | 0.0002972 | 26,559.04 | 0xb7...06e4 | |
02/27/2025 | 11:41:56 AM | sell | $0.3715 | $0.0002171 | 0.5086 | 0.0002972 | 1,711.13 | 0x70...74ab | |
02/26/2025 | 12:21:05 AM | sell | $0.387 | $0.0002248 | 0.5116 | 0.0002972 | 1,720.99 | 0xfd...ebd4 | |
02/25/2025 | 4:58:46 AM | sell | $3.03 | $0.0002106 | 4.28 | 0.0002972 | 14,408.98 | 0xfa...d14d | |
02/24/2025 | 3:52:10 PM | sell | $0.6008 | $0.0002375 | 0.7519 | 0.0002973 | 2,529.28 | 0x5c...17b0 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:20:35 AM | sell | $0.009564 | $0.000257 | 0.01106 | 0.0002973 | 37.21 | 0x8a...0d90 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:20:32 AM | sell | $28.48 | $0.000257 | 32.95 | 0.0002973 | 110,818.47 | 0xd2...ff52 |