Info about WBTC-USDT pair
- Pooled WBTC:
- 0.3514
- Pooled USDT:
- $34,971.47
WBTC/USDT price stats on Ethereum
As of February 4, 2025, the current price of WBTC token on DEX You Swap is $99,455.66. WBTC price is up 2.54% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 6 trades with trading volume of $1,569.70. WBTC token contract is 0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599 with a market cap $12,850,856,349.67. The liquidity pool contract is 0xB129374D1e6b47ECCfeF1464f51ae209183a4E13 with total value locked (TVL) of $69,942.95. The WBTC/USDT trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of WBTC/USDT now?
The current liquidity of WBTC/USDT with the contract address 0xB129374D1e6b47ECCfeF1464f51ae209183a4E13 is $69,942.95.
How many transactions are there in the WBTC/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of WBTC/USDT is 6 in the last 24 hours, 3 of which are buy transactions, and 3 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the WBTC/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
WBTC/USDT pool has a trading volume of $1,569.70 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 WBTC to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 WBTC to USDT is 99,455.66, captured at 7:54 PM UTC.
How much is 1 WBTC in dollars?
The price of converting 1 WBTC to USD is $99,455.66 today.
WBTC-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/04/2025 | 2:44:59 PM | buy | $124.74 | $99,455.66 | 124.74 | 99,455.66 | 0.001254 | 0x39...61cd | |
02/04/2025 | 7:57:47 AM | sell | $127.81 | $98,869.11 | 127.81 | 98,869.11 | 0.001292 | 0xf9...b0e6 | |
02/04/2025 | 5:32:59 AM | sell | $106.29 | $99,535.77 | 106.29 | 99,535.77 | 0.001067 | 0x42...dd53 | |
02/04/2025 | 5:02:47 AM | sell | $152.19 | $100,271.38 | 152.19 | 100,271.38 | 0.001517 | 0x65...46b7 | |
02/03/2025 | 7:48:23 PM | buy | $459.43 | $99,993.68 | 459.43 | 99,993.68 | 0.004594 | 0xd1...1b10 | |
02/03/2025 | 3:42:47 PM | buy | $599.21 | $96,992.97 | 599.21 | 96,992.97 | 0.006177 | 0xb8...38ad | |
02/03/2025 | 1:39:47 AM | sell | $392.53 | $95,846.44 | 392.53 | 95,846.44 | 0.004095 | 0xa3...7ed7 | |
02/02/2025 | 9:44:35 PM | sell | $274.41 | $97,719.07 | 274.41 | 97,719.07 | 0.002808 | 0x5a...259d | |
02/02/2025 | 8:10:59 PM | sell | $201.95 | $99,067.94 | 201.95 | 99,067.94 | 0.002038 | 0x8b...89be | |
02/02/2025 | 3:55:35 AM | sell | $169.42 | $100,125.58 | 169.42 | 100,125.58 | 0.001692 | 0xf5...77b7 | |
02/01/2025 | 10:41:23 PM | sell | $174.2 | $101,107.73 | 174.2 | 101,107.73 | 0.001722 | 0xde...3de7 | |
02/01/2025 | 9:48:35 AM | sell | $104.81 | $101,910.53 | 104.81 | 101,910.53 | 0.001028 | 0x51...c0b0 | |
02/01/2025 | 2:18:59 AM | buy | $107.22 | $102,518.23 | 107.22 | 102,518.23 | 0.001045 | 0x95...5a77 | |
01/31/2025 | 9:27:35 PM | sell | $171.35 | $102,089.37 | 171.35 | 102,089.37 | 0.001678 | 0x99...59d4 | |
01/31/2025 | 6:53:47 PM | sell | $307.33 | $103,473.68 | 307.33 | 103,473.68 | 0.00297 | 0x4e...1c41 | |
01/30/2025 | 5:25:47 AM | buy | $68.54 | $104,799 | 68.54 | 104,799 | 0.000654 | 0x7d...f88f | |
01/30/2025 | 3:47:59 AM | buy | $129.68 | $104,219.4 | 129.68 | 104,219.4 | 0.001244 | 0x08...2647 | |
01/29/2025 | 8:45:23 PM | buy | $288.37 | $103,003.13 | 288.37 | 103,003.13 | 0.002799 | 0xf6...37fd | |
01/29/2025 | 5:40:47 AM | buy | $63.55 | $101,989.63 | 63.55 | 101,989.63 | 0.0006232 | 0x97...4b08 | |
01/28/2025 | 9:17:11 PM | sell | $179.75 | $101,712.52 | 179.75 | 101,712.52 | 0.001767 | 0x1e...e10a |