Info about REQ-USDT pair
- Pooled REQ:
- 149,348.83
- Pooled USDT:
- $2,158.58
REQ/USDT price stats on Ethereum
As of March 12, 2025, the current price of REQ token on DEX Uniswap V3 is $0.1129. REQ price is up 1.78% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 15 trades with trading volume of $1,727.59. REQ token contract is 0x8f8221aFbB33998d8584A2B05749bA73c37a938a with a market cap $112,936,804.69. The liquidity pool contract is 0x937e2AfAB37237a83F47B9eC0ecB18a5Aaef353A with total value locked (TVL) of $4,318.17. The REQ/USDT trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of REQ/USDT now?
The current liquidity of REQ/USDT with the contract address 0x937e2AfAB37237a83F47B9eC0ecB18a5Aaef353A is $4,318.17.
How many transactions are there in the REQ/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of REQ/USDT is 15 in the last 24 hours, 8 of which are buy transactions, and 7 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the REQ/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
REQ/USDT pool has a trading volume of $1,727.59 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 REQ to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 REQ to USDT is 0.1129, captured at 11:17 AM UTC.
How much is 1 REQ in dollars?
The price of converting 1 REQ to USD is $0.1129 today.
REQ-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/12/2025 | 9:03:47 AM | buy | $104.65 | $0.1129 | 104.65 | 0.1129 | 926.22 | 0xc8...6d77 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:31:11 AM | buy | $100 | $0.1123 | 100 | 0.1123 | 890.45 | 0xd0...7b80 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:15:47 AM | buy | $87.27 | $0.1116 | 87.27 | 0.1116 | 781.55 | 0x16...f808 | |
03/12/2025 | 6:59:35 AM | sell | $80.07 | $0.1109 | 80.07 | 0.1109 | 721.49 | 0x69...48d0 | |
03/12/2025 | 5:56:23 AM | buy | $149.99 | $0.1114 | 149.99 | 0.1114 | 1,346.32 | 0x9c...0e86 | |
03/12/2025 | 4:01:47 AM | sell | $95.71 | $0.1105 | 95.71 | 0.1105 | 865.64 | 0x49...b4a2 | |
03/12/2025 | 2:41:11 AM | sell | $94.87 | $0.1112 | 94.87 | 0.1112 | 853.19 | 0x5a...5406 | |
03/12/2025 | 2:25:47 AM | sell | $95.17 | $0.1118 | 95.17 | 0.1118 | 850.98 | 0x93...4625 | |
03/11/2025 | 10:11:35 PM | sell | $60.21 | $0.1123 | 60.21 | 0.1123 | 535.9 | 0xae...cff3 | |
03/11/2025 | 4:21:11 PM | buy | $106.84 | $0.1128 | 106.84 | 0.1128 | 946.5 | 0xd5...0414 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:44:11 PM | buy | $118.78 | $0.1121 | 118.78 | 0.1121 | 1,059.35 | 0x1f...654f | |
03/11/2025 | 2:39:23 PM | sell | $220.58 | $0.1117 | 220.58 | 0.1117 | 1,973.07 | 0xa2...9a3e | |
03/11/2025 | 1:30:23 PM | buy | $128.53 | $0.1127 | 128.53 | 0.1127 | 1,139.67 | 0x23...10aa | |
03/11/2025 | 11:33:35 AM | buy | $160.85 | $0.1118 | 160.85 | 0.1118 | 1,438.65 | 0xe4...5f08 | |
03/11/2025 | 10:18:11 AM | sell | $124 | $0.111 | 124 | 0.111 | 1,117 | 0xfa...4e3d | |
03/11/2025 | 8:58:11 AM | buy | $21.48 | $0.112 | 21.48 | 0.112 | 191.76 | 0xdd...1a3e | |
03/11/2025 | 8:49:47 AM | sell | $80.29 | $0.1115 | 80.29 | 0.1115 | 719.75 | 0xff...9764 | |
03/11/2025 | 7:59:11 AM | buy | $72.47 | $0.1122 | 72.47 | 0.1122 | 645.62 | 0xe6...d64f | |
03/11/2025 | 7:47:11 AM | sell | $80.24 | $0.1116 | 80.24 | 0.1116 | 718.93 | 0x78...d911 | |
03/11/2025 | 7:44:35 AM | sell | $100.61 | $0.1122 | 100.61 | 0.1122 | 896.6 | 0xdd...4881 |