Info about UNO-WETH pair
- Pooled UNO:
- 5.72M
- Pooled WETH:
- $16.9
UNO/WETH price stats on Ethereum
As of March 14, 2025, the current price of UNO token on DEX Uniswap is $0.005551. UNO price is up 1.84% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 25 trades with trading volume of $7,064.76. UNO token contract is 0x474021845C4643113458ea4414bdb7fB74A01A77 with a market cap $2,131,980.65. The liquidity pool contract is 0x90f1bDf7F72102B2724b4d2D9c12f00270E4D376 with total value locked (TVL) of $63,391.02. The UNO/WETH trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of UNO/WETH now?
The current liquidity of UNO/WETH with the contract address 0x90f1bDf7F72102B2724b4d2D9c12f00270E4D376 is $63,391.02.
How many transactions are there in the UNO/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of UNO/WETH is 25 in the last 24 hours, 11 of which are buy transactions, and 14 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the UNO/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
UNO/WETH pool has a trading volume of $7,064.76 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 UNO to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 UNO to WETH is 0.00000296, captured at 6:07 AM UTC.
How much is 1 UNO in dollars?
The price of converting 1 UNO to USD is $0.005551 today.
UNO-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/13/2025 | 11:05:35 PM | buy | $46.53 | $0.005551 | 0.02481 | 0.05296 | 8,383.72 | 0x57...2511 | |
03/13/2025 | 10:00:47 PM | sell | $312.2 | $0.005507 | 0.1682 | 0.052967 | 56,687.19 | 0x27...ea0b | |
03/13/2025 | 10:00:35 PM | sell | $277.61 | $0.005611 | 0.1495 | 0.053023 | 49,474.13 | 0x75...51dc | |
03/13/2025 | 9:25:59 PM | sell | $42.25 | $0.005622 | 0.02294 | 0.053053 | 7,514.61 | 0xbe...5f8f | |
03/13/2025 | 9:25:47 PM | sell | $58.85 | $0.00564 | 0.03196 | 0.053063 | 10,433.11 | 0x46...b603 | |
03/13/2025 | 8:16:23 PM | sell | $56.38 | $0.005695 | 0.03044 | 0.053074 | 9,900.64 | 0x51...f2e1 | |
03/13/2025 | 5:46:59 PM | buy | $156.95 | $0.005636 | 0.08586 | 0.053083 | 27,847.95 | 0xd9...c9e4 | |
03/13/2025 | 5:21:23 PM | buy | $870.99 | $0.005513 | 0.4713 | 0.052984 | 157,965.29 | 0x33...d37d | |
03/13/2025 | 5:21:11 PM | sell | $1,005.29 | $0.005504 | 0.544 | 0.052979 | 182,616.78 | 0x4a...afc9 | |
03/13/2025 | 5:13:59 PM | sell | $239.51 | $0.005749 | 0.1291 | 0.053099 | 41,657.19 | 0x3f...dcb6 | |
03/13/2025 | 4:42:11 PM | sell | $68.48 | $0.005826 | 0.03677 | 0.053129 | 11,752.59 | 0x5d...9afa | |
03/13/2025 | 4:36:35 PM | sell | $97.19 | $0.00585 | 0.05225 | 0.053145 | 16,614.87 | 0x98...ffcd | |
03/13/2025 | 4:35:11 PM | sell | $509.2 | $0.005959 | 0.2737 | 0.053204 | 85,440.93 | 0x9c...ee48 | |
03/13/2025 | 4:35:11 PM | buy | $572.87 | $0.005983 | 0.3079 | 0.053217 | 95,736.88 | 0x7f...9aba | |
03/13/2025 | 4:35:11 PM | buy | $494.76 | $0.00579 | 0.2659 | 0.053113 | 85,440.93 | 0x80...7ead | |
03/13/2025 | 4:33:11 PM | buy | $170.65 | $0.005672 | 0.09174 | 0.053049 | 30,081.8 | 0x9b...afda | |
03/13/2025 | 4:24:11 PM | buy | $212.55 | $0.005628 | 0.1138 | 0.053013 | 37,768.2 | 0x36...5c5e | |
03/13/2025 | 4:19:11 PM | buy | $153.52 | $0.005562 | 0.0822 | 0.052978 | 27,598.61 | 0xc5...5984 | |
03/13/2025 | 10:52:35 AM | sell | $51.7 | $0.005596 | 0.02726 | 0.052951 | 9,239.33 | 0x62...3527 | |
03/13/2025 | 10:52:23 AM | sell | $50.13 | $0.005613 | 0.02644 | 0.05296 | 8,930.86 | 0xf0...127c |