Info about LLM-WETH pair
- Pooled LLM:
- 92.64M
- Pooled WETH:
- $11.94
LLM/WETH price stats on Ethereum
As of January 10, 2025, the current price of LLM token on DEX Uniswap is $0.0004237. LLM price is up 4,486% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 152 trades with trading volume of $59,760.63. LLM token contract is 0x3313eDDD28e9Ba24812209699375f24909f598C4 with a market cap $291,849.22. The liquidity pool contract is 0x9385bac68E22Ba8aA0Ceb15aF3F4C3F7c42820D7 with total value locked (TVL) of $78,940.96. The LLM/WETH trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of LLM/WETH now?
The current liquidity of LLM/WETH with the contract address 0x9385bac68E22Ba8aA0Ceb15aF3F4C3F7c42820D7 is $78,940.96.
How many transactions are there in the LLM/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of LLM/WETH is 152 in the last 24 hours, 150 of which are buy transactions, and 2 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the LLM/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
LLM/WETH pool has a trading volume of $59,760.63 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 LLM to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 LLM to WETH is 0.0000001282, captured at 6:18 PM UTC.
How much is 1 LLM in dollars?
The price of converting 1 LLM to USD is $0.0004237 today.
LLM-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/10/2025 | 12:23:11 PM | buy | $330.49 | $0.0004237 | 0.09999 | 0.061282 | 779,898.69 | 0x0d...2412 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:22:59 PM | buy | $214.03 | $0.0004181 | 0.06471 | 0.061264 | 511,797.64 | 0xb2...5f40 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:22:47 PM | buy | $211.59 | $0.0004136 | 0.06397 | 0.06125 | 511,516.56 | 0xeb...6637 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:22:23 PM | buy | $330.72 | $0.0004079 | 0.1 | 0.061233 | 810,771.05 | 0x6d...bfd4 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $2,263.4 | $0.000403 | 0.6846 | 0.061219 | 5.95M | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $17.12 | $0.000403 | 0.005178 | 0.061219 | 61,723.15 | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $744.66 | $0.000403 | 0.2252 | 0.061219 | 2.38M | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $516.55 | $0.000403 | 0.1562 | 0.061219 | 1.71M | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $1,955.82 | $0.000403 | 0.5915 | 0.061219 | 5.77M | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $44.89 | $0.000403 | 0.01358 | 0.061219 | 161,534.92 | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $95.83 | $0.000403 | 0.02898 | 0.061219 | 343,281.53 | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $3.36 | $0.000403 | 0.001018 | 0.061219 | 12,142.58 | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $299.68 | $0.000403 | 0.09064 | 0.061219 | 1.06M | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $346.38 | $0.000403 | 0.1047 | 0.061219 | 1.18M | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 12:02:35 PM | buy | $324.41 | $0.000403 | 0.09812 | 0.061219 | 1.13M | 0xec...d683 | |
01/10/2025 | 11:59:23 AM | buy | $1,312.94 | $0.0002657 | 0.3971 | 0.078038 | 4.94M | 0xb8...fabb | |
01/10/2025 | 11:59:23 AM | buy | $129.18 | $0.0002763 | 0.03907 | 0.078359 | 571,306.19 | 0xb8...fabb | |
01/10/2025 | 11:59:23 AM | buy | $642.08 | $0.0002763 | 0.1942 | 0.078359 | 2.57M | 0xb8...fabb | |
01/10/2025 | 11:59:23 AM | buy | $71.4 | $0.0002763 | 0.02159 | 0.078359 | 317,991.46 | 0xb8...fabb | |
01/10/2025 | 11:59:23 AM | buy | $510.37 | $0.0002763 | 0.1543 | 0.078359 | 2.21M | 0xb8...fabb |