Info about OHM-WETH pair
- Pooled OHM:
- 47.9
- Pooled WETH:
- $0.4852
OHM/WETH price stats on Ethereum
As of March 6, 2025, the current price of OHM token on DEX SushiSwap is $23.28. OHM price is up 0.96% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 4 trades with trading volume of $37.29. OHM token contract is 0x64aa3364F17a4D01c6f1751Fd97C2BD3D7e7f1D5 with a market cap $486,826,559.59. The liquidity pool contract is 0x69b81152c5A8d35A67B32A4D3772795d96CaE4da with total value locked (TVL) of $2,220.61. The OHM/WETH trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of OHM/WETH now?
The current liquidity of OHM/WETH with the contract address 0x69b81152c5A8d35A67B32A4D3772795d96CaE4da is $2,220.61.
How many transactions are there in the OHM/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of OHM/WETH is 4 in the last 24 hours, 1 of which are buy transactions, and 3 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the OHM/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
OHM/WETH pool has a trading volume of $37.29 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 OHM to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 OHM to WETH is 0.01017, captured at 1:23 PM UTC.
How much is 1 OHM in dollars?
The price of converting 1 OHM to USD is $23.28 today.
OHM-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/06/2025 | 4:00:11 AM | sell | $8.53 | $23.28 | 0.003731 | 0.01017 | 0.3666 | 0x0d...51fb | |
03/06/2025 | 12:23:35 AM | sell | $3.82 | $23.14 | 0.0017 | 0.01029 | 0.1652 | 0x1d...d8d6 | |
03/05/2025 | 4:26:23 PM | buy | $9.24 | $22.39 | 0.00425 | 0.01029 | 0.4126 | 0x70...102a | |
03/05/2025 | 10:04:59 AM | sell | $15.68 | $23.06 | 0.007003 | 0.01029 | 0.6802 | 0x32...a68a | |
03/04/2025 | 8:00:11 PM | sell | $8.36 | $22.82 | 0.003859 | 0.01052 | 0.3666 | 0x3b...32fa | |
03/04/2025 | 12:50:47 PM | sell | $10.86 | $22.54 | 0.005167 | 0.01071 | 0.4821 | 0xd5...81f0 | |
03/03/2025 | 8:31:23 PM | buy | $27.54 | $22.48 | 0.01299 | 0.01061 | 1.22 | 0x84...0d97 | |
03/03/2025 | 3:41:23 PM | buy | $20.59 | $23.22 | 0.008999 | 0.01014 | 0.8867 | 0x55...2555 | |
03/03/2025 | 2:18:23 PM | sell | $2.29 | $23.52 | 0.000969 | 0.009924 | 0.09765 | 0x4c...d952 | |
03/03/2025 | 6:14:23 AM | buy | $20.52 | $23.99 | 0.008409 | 0.009829 | 0.8556 | 0x88...8116 | |
03/02/2025 | 11:17:23 PM | sell | $2.06 | $24.32 | 0.000816 | 0.009616 | 0.08485 | 0x79...4b69 | |
03/02/2025 | 7:50:47 PM | sell | $32.31 | $24.65 | 0.01296 | 0.009897 | 1.31 | 0x17...2a43 | |
03/02/2025 | 7:03:35 PM | sell | $24.97 | $25.66 | 0.01009 | 0.01038 | 0.9727 | 0x88...cf00 | |
03/02/2025 | 10:32:47 AM | sell | $2.03 | $23.91 | 0.000902 | 0.01061 | 0.08497 | 0x70...b30e | |
03/02/2025 | 5:12:59 AM | sell | $0.9007 | $23.72 | 0.000404 | 0.01064 | 0.03796 | 0x6e...8640 | |
03/01/2025 | 8:16:35 PM | buy | $6.8 | $23.66 | 0.003064 | 0.01064 | 0.2877 | 0xba...3b90 | |
03/01/2025 | 2:22:47 AM | sell | $8.24 | $23.87 | 0.003658 | 0.01059 | 0.3452 | 0xf0...0eb6 | |
02/28/2025 | 10:02:35 PM | buy | $7.44 | $23.71 | 0.003349 | 0.01066 | 0.3139 | 0x7b...9773 | |
02/28/2025 | 8:13:23 PM | buy | $9.6 | $23.43 | 0.004306 | 0.0105 | 0.4098 | 0xba...7626 | |
02/28/2025 | 8:00:11 PM | sell | $8.51 | $23.22 | 0.003825 | 0.01043 | 0.3666 | 0x74...b37c |