Info about ICHI-WETH pair
- Pooled ICHI:
- 406,186.91
- Pooled WETH:
- $83.81
ICHI/WETH price stats on Ethereum
As of March 31, 2025, the current price of ICHI token on DEX SushiSwap is $0.3788. ICHI price is down -7.88% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 29 trades with trading volume of $31,092.05. ICHI token contract is 0x903bEF1736CDdf2A537176cf3C64579C3867A881 with a market cap $1,899,757.53. The liquidity pool contract is 0x9cD028B1287803250B1e226F0180EB725428d069 with total value locked (TVL) of $308,662.66. The ICHI/WETH trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of ICHI/WETH now?
The current liquidity of ICHI/WETH with the contract address 0x9cD028B1287803250B1e226F0180EB725428d069 is $308,662.66.
How many transactions are there in the ICHI/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of ICHI/WETH is 29 in the last 24 hours, 24 of which are buy transactions, and 5 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the ICHI/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
ICHI/WETH pool has a trading volume of $31,092.05 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 ICHI to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 ICHI to WETH is 0.0002057, captured at 10:44 PM UTC.
How much is 1 ICHI in dollars?
The price of converting 1 ICHI to USD is $0.3788 today.
ICHI-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/31/2025 | 4:48:47 PM | sell | $11.76 | $0.3788 | 0.006389 | 0.0002057 | 31.05 | 0xdf...ad73 | |
03/31/2025 | 9:10:59 AM | buy | $82.4 | $0.3706 | 0.04599 | 0.0002068 | 222.35 | 0x05...f07e | |
03/31/2025 | 8:51:11 AM | buy | $533.59 | $0.3706 | 0.2965 | 0.000206 | 1,439.55 | 0x52...fc67 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:46:35 AM | sell | $14.73 | $0.3676 | 0.008181 | 0.000204 | 40.08 | 0xda...dfa2 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:46:23 AM | buy | $405.29 | $0.3688 | 0.2249 | 0.0002047 | 1,098.69 | 0x9f...7797 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:45:23 AM | buy | $259.39 | $0.3672 | 0.1439 | 0.0002038 | 706.27 | 0xc8...ef49 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:37:59 AM | buy | $423.3 | $0.3655 | 0.2349 | 0.0002029 | 1,157.87 | 0x8d...e417 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:33:47 AM | buy | $118.86 | $0.3642 | 0.06599 | 0.0002022 | 326.36 | 0x1b...ddcd | |
03/31/2025 | 8:30:59 AM | buy | $136.83 | $0.3634 | 0.07599 | 0.0002018 | 376.46 | 0x41...0852 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:30:47 AM | buy | $91.82 | $0.3629 | 0.05099 | 0.0002015 | 253.01 | 0x6c...473d | |
03/31/2025 | 8:30:35 AM | buy | $79.21 | $0.3624 | 0.04399 | 0.0002013 | 218.53 | 0x06...3d8d | |
03/31/2025 | 8:30:11 AM | buy | $543.97 | $0.3609 | 0.3021 | 0.0002004 | 1,506.99 | 0x2f...d00e | |
03/31/2025 | 8:29:35 AM | buy | $129.62 | $0.3592 | 0.07199 | 0.0001995 | 360.79 | 0x4e...e4b8 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:29:35 AM | buy | $10.8 | $0.3596 | 0.005999 | 0.0001997 | 30.03 | 0x4e...e4b8 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:29:11 AM | buy | $64.81 | $0.3548 | 0.036 | 0.0001971 | 182.62 | 0x85...e2e2 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:29:11 AM | buy | $812.66 | $0.357 | 0.4513 | 0.0001982 | 2,276.36 | 0xba...15a0 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:28:59 AM | sell | $19,338.01 | $0.361 | 10.74 | 0.0002005 | 53,559.44 | 0xb9...9829 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:28:59 AM | buy | $33.84 | $0.3535 | 0.01879 | 0.0001963 | 95.72 | 0x58...c7ee | |
03/31/2025 | 8:28:59 AM | buy | $5,531.14 | $0.3578 | 3.07 | 0.0001987 | 16,684.37 | 0x58...c7ee | |
03/31/2025 | 8:28:59 AM | buy | $100.49 | $0.3522 | 0.05582 | 0.0001956 | 285.34 | 0x58...c7ee |