Info about SHIBL-SHIB pair
- Pooled SHIBL:
- 339.87T
- Pooled SHIB:
- $123.25M
SHIBL/SHIB price stats on Ethereum
As of February 5, 2025, the current price of SHIBL token on DEX Shiba Swap is $0.000000000003695. SHIBL price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 0 trades with trading volume of $0.00. SHIBL token contract is 0x2B4aef5606cc3D933dE30Fa9Dd8A67814f49Ee2A with a market cap $3,695.58. The liquidity pool contract is 0x1592286eAF39820Ebb2Ac979B6e4E6C6138d0688 with total value locked (TVL) of $2,512.05. The SHIBL/SHIB trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of SHIBL/SHIB now?
The current liquidity of SHIBL/SHIB with the contract address 0x1592286eAF39820Ebb2Ac979B6e4E6C6138d0688 is $2,512.05.
How many transactions are there in the SHIBL/SHIB pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of SHIBL/SHIB is 0 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 0 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the SHIBL/SHIB pool in the last 24 hours?
SHIBL/SHIB pool has a trading volume of $0.00 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 SHIBL to SHIB?
The exchange rate of 1 SHIBL to SHIB is 0.0000003626, captured at 9:48 AM UTC.
How much is 1 SHIBL in dollars?
The price of converting 1 SHIBL to USD is $0.000000000003695 today.
SHIBL-SHIB price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price SHIB | Maker | TXN | ||||
04/26/2023 | 10:15:11 PM | sell | $4.32 | $0.0113695 | 424,817.22 | 0.063626 | 1.05T | 0x5f...898e | |
04/26/2023 | 10:15:11 PM | sell | $73.06 | $0.0113695 | 7.17M | 0.063626 | 18.74T | 0x5f...898e | |
03/19/2023 | 5:40:11 AM | sell | $7.37 | $0.0114462 | 677,252.12 | 0.064096 | 1.65T | 0xbc...1667 | |
03/10/2023 | 4:26:47 PM | sell | $64.39 | $0.0114401 | 6.31M | 0.064316 | 14.63T | 0x9b...8e99 | |
03/10/2023 | 6:06:59 AM | sell | $49.15 | $0.0114695 | 4.9M | 0.064684 | 10.47T | 0x4e...f28f | |
03/10/2023 | 6:06:59 AM | sell | $3.48 | $0.0114547 | 348,103.82 | 0.064536 | 715.78B | 0x4e...f28f | |
03/05/2023 | 7:27:35 AM | sell | $5.94 | $0.0115482 | 529,962.62 | 0.064889 | 960B | 0xa7...b830 | |
03/05/2023 | 7:27:35 AM | sell | $99.76 | $0.0115482 | 8.9M | 0.064889 | 17.18T | 0xa7...b830 | |
03/05/2023 | 6:58:59 AM | sell | $155.46 | $0.01162 | 13.93M | 0.065556 | 23.04T | 0xfc...375f | |
03/05/2023 | 6:58:59 AM | sell | $14.09 | $0.01162 | 1.26M | 0.065556 | 1.9T | 0xfc...375f | |
03/03/2023 | 10:05:23 PM | buy | $10.84 | $0.0117535 | 964,866.47 | 0.066702 | 1.44T | 0xb6...420b | |
03/02/2023 | 6:29:23 AM | buy | $180.53 | $0.0117919 | 15.15M | 0.066643 | 25T | 0x89...7ac4 | |
02/28/2023 | 3:47:23 PM | sell | $18.86 | $0.0116793 | 1.53M | 0.065493 | 2.37T | 0x84...3572 | |
02/28/2023 | 3:47:23 PM | sell | $147.74 | $0.0116793 | 11.95M | 0.065493 | 20.22T | 0x84...3572 | |
02/28/2023 | 2:55:23 PM | buy | $163.32 | $0.0118067 | 13.19M | 0.066514 | 21.94T | 0xed...8efe | |
02/28/2023 | 3:21:35 AM | buy | $89.11 | $0.0116583 | 7.14M | 0.065272 | 13.54T | 0xc6...322c | |
02/27/2023 | 12:30:11 PM | sell | $76.7 | $0.0116585 | 6.06M | 0.065205 | 11.65T | 0x2a...4b9d | |
02/25/2023 | 10:46:47 PM | sell | $5.96 | $0.0116689 | 485,255.63 | 0.06544 | 821.5B | 0xa8...60f1 | |
02/25/2023 | 10:46:47 PM | sell | $77.74 | $0.0116949 | 6.32M | 0.065651 | 11.19T | 0xa8...60f1 | |
02/24/2023 | 8:46:11 AM | sell | $16.29 | $0.0117796 | 1.24M | 0.065943 | 1.78T | 0xa0...3744 |