Info about RFuel-USDT pair
- Pooled RFuel:
- 9.99M
- Pooled USDT:
- $7,477.17
RFuel/USDT price stats on Ethereum
As of March 12, 2025, the current price of RFuel token on DEX King Swap is $0.000752. RFuel price is down -1.54% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 7 trades with trading volume of $340.37. RFuel token contract is 0xaf9f549774ecEDbD0966C52f250aCc548D3F36E5 with a market cap $267,898.14. The liquidity pool contract is 0x7966772ccCa7107D10834252f6770092cBCB005c with total value locked (TVL) of $14,954.36. The RFuel/USDT trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of RFuel/USDT now?
The current liquidity of RFuel/USDT with the contract address 0x7966772ccCa7107D10834252f6770092cBCB005c is $14,954.36.
How many transactions are there in the RFuel/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of RFuel/USDT is 7 in the last 24 hours, 3 of which are buy transactions, and 4 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the RFuel/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
RFuel/USDT pool has a trading volume of $340.37 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 RFuel to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 RFuel to USDT is 0.000752, captured at 3:37 PM UTC.
How much is 1 RFuel in dollars?
The price of converting 1 RFuel to USD is $0.000752 today.
RFuel-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/12/2025 | 2:49:11 PM | sell | $56.97 | $0.000752 | 56.97 | 0.000752 | 75,761.7 | 0x3a...d130 | |
03/12/2025 | 9:21:23 AM | sell | $56.41 | $0.0007635 | 56.41 | 0.0007635 | 73,894.46 | 0xee...4f39 | |
03/12/2025 | 9:06:47 AM | buy | $54.51 | $0.0007675 | 54.51 | 0.0007675 | 71,029 | 0x96...637b | |
03/12/2025 | 8:10:11 AM | buy | $37.37 | $0.0007582 | 37.37 | 0.0007582 | 49,290.52 | 0xf4...2e30 | |
03/12/2025 | 3:54:47 AM | sell | $36.45 | $0.0007543 | 36.45 | 0.0007543 | 48,321.62 | 0xc2...df5f | |
03/12/2025 | 2:42:11 AM | sell | $39.52 | $0.000762 | 39.52 | 0.000762 | 51,862.72 | 0x03...132c | |
03/11/2025 | 6:14:11 PM | buy | $59.1 | $0.0007638 | 59.1 | 0.0007638 | 77,372.37 | 0xde...3339 | |
03/11/2025 | 5:16:59 AM | buy | $53.52 | $0.0007525 | 53.52 | 0.0007525 | 71,131.45 | 0x99...bb26 | |
03/11/2025 | 2:19:11 AM | buy | $63.51 | $0.0007408 | 63.51 | 0.0007408 | 85,739.57 | 0x51...3fe6 | |
03/11/2025 | 1:35:23 AM | sell | $97.92 | $0.0007405 | 97.92 | 0.0007405 | 132,235.04 | 0x3b...0724 | |
03/10/2025 | 11:57:59 PM | sell | $46.24 | $0.000755 | 46.24 | 0.000755 | 61,248.79 | 0xd8...80b3 | |
03/10/2025 | 7:40:11 PM | sell | $193.5 | $0.0007792 | 193.5 | 0.0007792 | 248,340.22 | 0xa2...9b29 | |
03/10/2025 | 6:37:11 PM | sell | $232.11 | $0.0008232 | 232.11 | 0.0008232 | 281,957.85 | 0x41...259f | |
03/10/2025 | 6:30:59 PM | buy | $124.8 | $0.0008388 | 124.8 | 0.0008388 | 148,784.2 | 0xf1...f5a6 | |
03/10/2025 | 6:30:35 PM | buy | $111.46 | $0.000814 | 111.46 | 0.000814 | 136,937.68 | 0x94...15eb | |
03/10/2025 | 6:29:11 PM | buy | $143.62 | $0.0007875 | 143.62 | 0.0007875 | 182,366.3 | 0xab...db1f | |
03/10/2025 | 6:28:35 PM | buy | $92.1 | $0.0007635 | 92.1 | 0.0007635 | 120,626.82 | 0xc2...78cf | |
03/10/2025 | 6:24:59 PM | sell | $154.62 | $0.000766 | 154.62 | 0.000766 | 201,837.67 | 0x85...132a | |
03/10/2025 | 2:36:47 PM | sell | $117.19 | $0.0007939 | 117.19 | 0.0007939 | 147,617.11 | 0xe1...8454 | |
03/10/2025 | 10:26:47 AM | sell | $46.71 | $0.0008109 | 46.71 | 0.0008109 | 57,605.92 | 0x04...34b9 |