Info about altima-WETH pair
- Pooled altima:
- 339.38M
- Pooled WETH:
- $1.22
altima/WETH price stats on Ethereum
As of January 4, 2025, the current price of altima token on DEX Ethervista is $0.000013. altima price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 1 trades with trading volume of $515.60. altima token contract is 0x2E94D7fC3c638AeD6775A2D2C1b7dB2e94be7a66 with a market cap $13,006.19. The liquidity pool contract is 0x1A37219Cb5aE2Bc3A1Cb40773424640Be93fB6E3 with total value locked (TVL) of $8,828.16. The altima/WETH trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of altima/WETH now?
The current liquidity of altima/WETH with the contract address 0x1A37219Cb5aE2Bc3A1Cb40773424640Be93fB6E3 is $8,828.16.
How many transactions are there in the altima/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of altima/WETH is 1 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 1 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the altima/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
altima/WETH pool has a trading volume of $515.60 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 altima to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 altima to WETH is 0.000000003602, captured at 1:45 PM UTC.
How much is 1 altima in dollars?
The price of converting 1 altima to USD is $0.000013 today.
altima-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/03/2025 | 9:40:59 PM | sell | $515.59 | $0.000013 | 0.1428 | 0.083602 | 35.5M | 0xff...e413 | |
12/22/2024 | 10:31:23 PM | buy | $829.74 | $0.00001465 | 0.2543 | 0.084493 | 69.56M | 0x13...d19a | |
12/17/2024 | 11:59:47 AM | sell | $35.96 | $0.000012 | 0.008987 | 0.082999 | 3M | 0x86...2b5f | |
12/16/2024 | 4:26:59 PM | sell | $196.41 | $0.0000125 | 0.0496 | 0.083157 | 15.71M | 0xe6...9f36 | |
12/15/2024 | 12:33:23 AM | sell | $19.62 | $0.00001282 | 0.005066 | 0.083311 | 1.53M | 0xe2...a7ef | |
12/13/2024 | 7:01:35 AM | sell | $134.99 | $0.00001334 | 0.03462 | 0.083423 | 10.11M | 0xdd...3339 | |
12/12/2024 | 8:19:11 AM | sell | $240.61 | $0.0000138 | 0.06142 | 0.083524 | 16.58M | 0x2d...9674 | |
12/11/2024 | 9:44:35 PM | sell | $199.6 | $0.00001546 | 0.05228 | 0.084052 | 12.9M | 0x73...3e5b | |
11/29/2024 | 4:22:59 AM | sell | $58.88 | $0.00001529 | 0.01644 | 0.084271 | 3.85M | 0x20...3674 | |
11/27/2024 | 2:15:35 AM | sell | $41.33 | $0.00001453 | 0.01241 | 0.084364 | 2.84M | 0x0e...8583 | |
11/26/2024 | 6:45:47 PM | sell | $85.75 | $0.00001465 | 0.02626 | 0.08449 | 5.85M | 0xde...cbc0 | |
11/22/2024 | 8:21:23 AM | sell | $70.96 | $0.00001568 | 0.02102 | 0.084647 | 4.52M | 0xbf...0056 | |
11/20/2024 | 7:56:59 AM | sell | $71.66 | $0.00001491 | 0.02305 | 0.084796 | 4.81M | 0x8e...0cb7 | |
11/19/2024 | 10:04:11 PM | sell | $278.03 | $0.00001508 | 0.08985 | 0.084875 | 17.34M | 0xa2...f442 | |
11/18/2024 | 3:21:59 PM | buy | $154.35 | $0.00001645 | 0.05 | 0.085328 | 9.38M | 0xd3...c2ad | |
11/18/2024 | 12:55:47 PM | sell | $180.27 | $0.00001651 | 0.05848 | 0.085358 | 10.91M | 0x59...ac86 | |
11/18/2024 | 2:09:23 AM | sell | $238.97 | $0.00001733 | 0.07682 | 0.085572 | 13.12M | 0xa2...f295 | |
11/18/2024 | 2:07:59 AM | sell | $414.53 | $0.00001913 | 0.1332 | 0.086149 | 20M | 0x12...10cd | |
11/18/2024 | 1:51:35 AM | buy | $373.17 | $0.00002244 | 0.12 | 0.087218 | 17.86M | 0x4a...a0a5 | |
11/17/2024 | 10:37:11 PM | sell | $98.13 | $0.00001962 | 0.03188 | 0.086376 | 5M | 0x6c...714b |