Info about sfrxUSD-sUSDe pair
- Pooled sfrxUSD:
- 46,607.04
- Pooled sUSDe:
- $136,483.73
sfrxUSD/sUSDe price stats on Ethereum
As of February 23, 2025, the current price of sfrxUSD token on DEX Curve is $1.11. sfrxUSD price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 0 trades with trading volume of $0.00. sfrxUSD token contract is 0xcf62F905562626CfcDD2261162a51fd02Fc9c5b6 with a market cap $5,885,602.10. The liquidity pool contract is 0x3BD1017929b43c1414bE2Aca39892590fBa4d6e2 with total value locked (TVL) of $208,905.36. The sfrxUSD/sUSDe trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of sfrxUSD/sUSDe now?
The current liquidity of sfrxUSD/sUSDe with the contract address 0x3BD1017929b43c1414bE2Aca39892590fBa4d6e2 is $208,905.36.
How many transactions are there in the sfrxUSD/sUSDe pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of sfrxUSD/sUSDe is 0 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 0 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the sfrxUSD/sUSDe pool in the last 24 hours?
sfrxUSD/sUSDe pool has a trading volume of $0.00 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 sfrxUSD to sUSDe?
The exchange rate of 1 sfrxUSD to sUSDe is 0, captured at 8:32 AM UTC.
How much is 1 sfrxUSD in dollars?
The price of converting 1 sfrxUSD to USD is $1.11 today.
sfrxUSD-sUSDe price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price sUSDe | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/23/2025 | 5:16:23 AM | buy | $5,929.65 | $1.11 | 5,151.12 | 0.9653 | 5,335.84 | 0x77...a893 | |
02/23/2025 | 4:10:59 AM | buy | $13,462.1 | $1.11 | 11,694.6 | 0.965 | 12,118.36 | 0xae...9942 | |
02/23/2025 | 4:10:47 AM | sell | $15,557.88 | $1.11 | 13,515.22 | 0.9648 | 14,007.63 | 0xf2...dc09 | |
02/23/2025 | 3:14:59 AM | buy | $8,950.84 | $1.11 | 7,775.64 | 0.9651 | 8,056.26 | 0x7d...c171 | |
02/23/2025 | 3:13:35 AM | sell | $14,072.7 | $1.11 | 12,225.04 | 0.965 | 12,667.85 | 0x21...ff56 | |
02/23/2025 | 1:11:23 AM | buy | $5,848.82 | $1.11 | 5,080.9 | 0.9654 | 5,262.76 | 0x1b...160a | |
02/22/2025 | 8:19:23 PM | buy | $4,509.25 | $1.11 | 3,917.21 | 0.9647 | 4,060.34 | 0x65...6c1c | |
02/22/2025 | 8:19:23 PM | buy | $28,863.4 | $1.11 | 25,073.8 | 0.9651 | 25,979.04 | 0x65...6c1c | |
02/22/2025 | 8:19:11 PM | sell | $42,510.17 | $1.11 | 36,928.82 | 0.965 | 38,265.76 | 0x3d...1ba3 | |
02/22/2025 | 8:09:23 PM | sell | $4,710 | $1.11 | 4,091.61 | 0.9662 | 4,234.35 | 0xac...c267 | |
02/22/2025 | 8:44:47 AM | buy | $32,055.12 | $1.11 | 27,846.46 | 0.9655 | 28,838.96 | 0x78...57a8 | |
02/22/2025 | 8:44:35 AM | buy | $21,374.84 | $1.1 | 18,568.45 | 0.9641 | 19,258.32 | 0x67...5db2 | |
02/22/2025 | 8:44:35 AM | buy | $48,267.95 | $1.11 | 41,930.64 | 0.9645 | 43,469.98 | 0x67...5db2 | |
02/22/2025 | 5:39:59 AM | sell | $2,603.03 | $1.11 | 2,261.27 | 0.9677 | 2,336.71 | 0x52...c112 | |
02/22/2025 | 5:39:35 AM | buy | $3,795.77 | $1.11 | 3,297.41 | 0.9678 | 3,407.12 | 0x78...4605 | |
02/22/2025 | 5:03:47 AM | buy | $3,841.88 | $1.11 | 3,337.46 | 0.9666 | 3,452.73 | 0x17...2835 | |
02/22/2025 | 2:31:11 AM | sell | $3,448.63 | $1.11 | 2,995.84 | 0.9662 | 3,100.37 | 0x0d...0308 | |
02/22/2025 | 2:20:47 AM | sell | $3,807.72 | $1.11 | 3,307.78 | 0.9673 | 3,419.48 | 0x73...760f | |
02/22/2025 | 1:37:35 AM | buy | $1,371.8 | $1.11 | 1,191.69 | 0.9681 | 1,230.92 | 0x15...2bea |