Info about WCRO-USDC pair
- Pooled WCRO:
- 79,131.39
- Pooled USDC:
- $7,818.33
WCRO/USDC price stats on Cronos
As of March 31, 2025, the current price of WCRO token on DEX Ducky Swap is $0.09892. WCRO price is down -7.67% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 19 trades with trading volume of $542.58. WCRO token contract is 0x5C7F8A570d578ED84E63fdFA7b1eE72dEae1AE23 with a market cap $92,968,076.87. The liquidity pool contract is 0x198F0d7265C5a3b719707d2416ae7Ff4B3B28C7c with total value locked (TVL) of $15,636.67. The WCRO/USDC trading pair operates on Cronos.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of WCRO/USDC now?
The current liquidity of WCRO/USDC with the contract address 0x198F0d7265C5a3b719707d2416ae7Ff4B3B28C7c is $15,636.67.
How many transactions are there in the WCRO/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of WCRO/USDC is 19 in the last 24 hours, 5 of which are buy transactions, and 14 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the WCRO/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
WCRO/USDC pool has a trading volume of $542.58 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 WCRO to USDC?
The exchange rate of 1 WCRO to USDC is 0.09892, captured at 9:01 AM UTC.
How much is 1 WCRO in dollars?
The price of converting 1 WCRO to USD is $0.09892 today.
WCRO-USDC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/31/2025 | 8:56:04 AM | sell | $29.6 | $0.09892 | 29.6 | 0.09892 | 299.2 | 0x70...b185 | |
03/31/2025 | 7:43:51 AM | sell | $23.98 | $0.0996 | 23.98 | 0.0996 | 240.82 | 0x51...d2c0 | |
03/31/2025 | 4:18:34 AM | sell | $28.11 | $0.1002 | 28.11 | 0.1002 | 280.36 | 0x5b...60ef | |
03/31/2025 | 12:34:06 AM | sell | $28.19 | $0.1009 | 28.19 | 0.1009 | 279.16 | 0x6d...911b | |
03/31/2025 | 12:14:27 AM | sell | $23.52 | $0.1016 | 23.52 | 0.1016 | 231.43 | 0x7e...2660 | |
03/30/2025 | 10:05:24 PM | sell | $32.13 | $0.1023 | 32.13 | 0.1023 | 313.89 | 0xd1...a73e | |
03/30/2025 | 9:58:03 PM | sell | $49.26 | $0.1034 | 49.26 | 0.1034 | 476.38 | 0xbf...f3f3 | |
03/30/2025 | 8:21:31 PM | sell | $20.57 | $0.1043 | 20.57 | 0.1043 | 197.26 | 0xf0...755f | |
03/30/2025 | 7:32:51 PM | sell | $16.42 | $0.1048 | 16.42 | 0.1048 | 156.71 | 0xfb...00d8 | |
03/30/2025 | 7:01:53 PM | buy | $45.21 | $0.1049 | 45.21 | 0.1049 | 430.84 | 0x07...0b5e | |
03/30/2025 | 6:49:30 PM | buy | $10.64 | $0.1042 | 10.64 | 0.1042 | 102.12 | 0x1f...dcc7 | |
03/30/2025 | 4:02:12 PM | sell | $16.03 | $0.1037 | 16.03 | 0.1037 | 154.51 | 0xe0...ad6d | |
03/30/2025 | 1:32:28 PM | sell | $40.93 | $0.1045 | 40.93 | 0.1045 | 391.68 | 0xca...cc87 | |
03/30/2025 | 12:19:48 PM | sell | $19.81 | $0.1053 | 19.81 | 0.1053 | 188.13 | 0xaa...0141 | |
03/30/2025 | 10:35:55 AM | sell | $33.6 | $0.106 | 33.6 | 0.106 | 317.04 | 0x5e...b0c4 | |
03/30/2025 | 10:30:45 AM | sell | $37.1 | $0.1069 | 37.1 | 0.1069 | 347.02 | 0x1c...ad4d | |
03/30/2025 | 10:20:48 AM | buy | $45.46 | $0.1071 | 45.46 | 0.1071 | 424.33 | 0x79...0a8b | |
03/30/2025 | 10:20:48 AM | buy | $8.17 | $0.1079 | 8.17 | 0.1079 | 75.74 | 0x9f...8eab | |
03/30/2025 | 10:20:06 AM | buy | $33.76 | $0.1061 | 33.76 | 0.1061 | 318.22 | 0xbc...dca6 | |
03/30/2025 | 5:47:24 AM | sell | $33.62 | $0.1055 | 33.62 | 0.1055 | 318.51 | 0xe2...4bc7 |