Info about LINK-WBNB pair
- Pooled LINK:
- 91.03
- Pooled WBNB:
- $2.13
LINK/WBNB price stats on BNB Chain
As of March 15, 2025, the current price of LINK token on DEX Panda Swap is $13.8. LINK price is up 1.83% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 98 trades with trading volume of $215.27. LINK token contract is 0xF8A0BF9cF54Bb92F17374d9e9A321E6a111a51bD with a market cap $124,491,744.85. The liquidity pool contract is 0x854ea3E74eED7C6cE1372dbF78d0aC1fE815Ac20 with total value locked (TVL) of $2,518.51. The LINK/WBNB trading pair operates on BNB Chain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of LINK/WBNB now?
The current liquidity of LINK/WBNB with the contract address 0x854ea3E74eED7C6cE1372dbF78d0aC1fE815Ac20 is $2,518.51.
How many transactions are there in the LINK/WBNB pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of LINK/WBNB is 98 in the last 24 hours, 50 of which are buy transactions, and 48 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the LINK/WBNB pool in the last 24 hours?
LINK/WBNB pool has a trading volume of $215.27 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 LINK to WBNB?
The exchange rate of 1 LINK to WBNB is 0.02335, captured at 9:04 AM UTC.
How much is 1 LINK in dollars?
The price of converting 1 LINK to USD is $13.8 today.
LINK-WBNB price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WBNB | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/15/2025 | 8:20:31 AM | sell | $1.39 | $13.8 | 0.002365 | 0.02335 | 0.1012 | 0x6a...8416 | |
03/15/2025 | 7:35:25 AM | sell | $1.48 | $13.83 | 0.002512 | 0.02341 | 0.1073 | 0xc1...e190 | |
03/15/2025 | 6:53:40 AM | sell | $1.16 | $13.91 | 0.001962 | 0.02345 | 0.08364 | 0x22...5a7e | |
03/15/2025 | 6:23:22 AM | sell | $0.7386 | $13.93 | 0.001245 | 0.02349 | 0.053 | 0x22...19aa | |
03/15/2025 | 6:07:19 AM | sell | $1.57 | $13.95 | 0.002651 | 0.02353 | 0.1126 | 0xc5...0a69 | |
03/15/2025 | 6:05:28 AM | sell | $1.27 | $13.98 | 0.002152 | 0.02359 | 0.09125 | 0x96...033c | |
03/15/2025 | 6:02:28 AM | sell | $0.593 | $14 | 0.001 | 0.02362 | 0.04234 | 0xc7...c8c0 | |
03/15/2025 | 5:50:13 AM | sell | $2.1 | $14.02 | 0.003551 | 0.02367 | 0.15 | 0xa7...eb0e | |
03/15/2025 | 5:35:58 AM | sell | $0.593 | $14.06 | 0.001 | 0.02372 | 0.04215 | 0xaf...c541 | |
03/15/2025 | 5:04:19 AM | buy | $1.43 | $14.15 | 0.002419 | 0.02385 | 0.1014 | 0xa2...1725 | |
03/15/2025 | 5:02:22 AM | buy | $0.9388 | $14.12 | 0.001582 | 0.0238 | 0.06646 | 0x57...f6d2 | |
03/15/2025 | 4:57:46 AM | buy | $1.65 | $14.09 | 0.002785 | 0.02376 | 0.1172 | 0x78...35d1 | |
03/15/2025 | 4:54:10 AM | buy | $0.5932 | $14.07 | 0.001 | 0.02371 | 0.04216 | 0xa1...8626 | |
03/15/2025 | 4:48:19 AM | buy | $1.76 | $14.04 | 0.00297 | 0.02367 | 0.1254 | 0x90...f532 | |
03/15/2025 | 3:46:49 AM | buy | $1.62 | $13.98 | 0.002745 | 0.02361 | 0.1162 | 0x32...56ec | |
03/15/2025 | 3:34:31 AM | buy | $1.44 | $13.95 | 0.002431 | 0.02355 | 0.1032 | 0x99...c824 | |
03/15/2025 | 3:34:22 AM | buy | $2.4 | $13.91 | 0.004062 | 0.02348 | 0.173 | 0x75...81ab | |
03/15/2025 | 3:30:10 AM | buy | $1.47 | $13.86 | 0.002483 | 0.02341 | 0.106 | 0xeb...0626 | |
03/15/2025 | 3:26:13 AM | buy | $0.3638 | $13.84 | 0.0006142 | 0.02337 | 0.02627 | 0xd3...3887 | |
03/15/2025 | 3:24:28 AM | buy | $1.42 | $13.82 | 0.002398 | 0.02334 | 0.1027 | 0x76...53d5 |